Notification of Conference on November 30th: China Accounting Reform and Development 2019 Academic Forum and Yang Jiwan Accounting Academic Thought Seminar
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"China Accounting Reform and Development 2019 Academic Forum & Yang Jiwan Academic Thought Seminar" will be held in Jingwen Hall of Beijing Normal University from 14:00-17:30, November 30, 2019, jointly organized by BNUBS and Accounting Society of China. There are two parts of the conference: the first part is the 9th Yang Jiwan Accounting Award ceremony (2019), and the second part is the forum of famous accounting scholars. We warmly welcome accounting scholars and students to attend the conference.


Yang Jiwan Accounting Award is the highest award in the accounting field of China, which was established in 2002. According to the Management Measures of Yang Jiwan Accounting Award, there are two awards: Excellent Accounting Dissertation award and Excellent Accounting Academic Monograph Award, which are awarded every two years. At present, it has held eight sessions, inspiring a large number of accounting scholars and accounting students to devote themselves to accounting scientific research, and climb the academic peak of accounting.


The leaders and guests attending this meeting are Zhu Guangyao, former Vice Minister of finance, President of China Accounting Society and Counsellor of The State Council, Shen Xiaonan, former party member and vice chairman of the National Council for Social Security Fund, Yang Zhoufu, former assistant minister of Education, Bai Jingming, vice president of The Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, Gao Yibin, director of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Finance, Wu Xiang, deputy director of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Finance, Yang Min, former director of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Finance and vice president of the Accounting Society of China, Wang Shiding, director of Beijing Normal University, former Deputy director of Research Institute of Fiscal Science of Ministry of Finance, secretary general of Yang Jiwan Accounting Award Board, Professor Ye Kangtao of Renmin University of China, Professor Yang Xiongsheng of Nanjing University. There will be more than 300 students from more than 20 universities in Beijing to attend the conference.



Please enter the venue before 13:40.  Contact: Bao Wen, 13269107408. 




Looking forward to your visit! 




The meeting agenda




Venue: Jingwen Lecture Hall, Beijing Normal University Time: November 30, 2019





The 9th (2019) Yang Jiwan Accounting Award Presentation Ceremony



1. School leaders of Beijing Normal University delivered a speech 

2. Speech by Zhu Guangyao, President of China Accounting Society 


3. Mr. Gao Yibin, Director of accounting Department, announced his doctoral dissertation , Bai Jingming, Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences and Associate dean, announces the winners of the master's thesis 

4. The leader issues the award certificate 

5. Statement by the winning representative

Wu Xiangyun,  Deputy Director, Accounting Division 


Academic Forum and Yang Jiwan Accounting Academic Thought Seminar



Watch video: Carry on the past and open up the future| The Celebration of the 100th anniversary of Mr. Yang Jiwan's birth, Vice president of Accounting Society of China

Yang Min, President of Accounting Society of China



Ye Kangtao: The development of management activity theory in the new era

16:00- 16:30


Yang Xiongsheng: The historical contribution of new China's accounting supervision



Free discussion





Accounting Society of China 

26 November 2019


Introduction of Yang Jiwan Accounting Award


Professor Yang Jiwan is one of the founders of new China's accounting system. In more than half a century, he has made remarkable contributions to the development of China's accounting laws and regulations, accounting system and accounting standards, accounting reform and accounting education. In order to commemorate Professor Yang Jiwan, promote his rigorous academic spirit, and promote the prosperity of China's accounting theory research and the training of accounting talents, the Yang Jiwan Accounting Prize is hereby established with the approval of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance. "Yang Jiwan Accounting Award" has two awards: excellent accounting dissertation award and Excellent Accounting academic Monograph Award, which are awarded every two years. The Excellent Accounting Professional Dissertation Award is awarded to outstanding accounting doctoral or master's dissertation authors, with no more than 10 people each time and the Outstanding Academic Monograph award in Accounting will be awarded to no more than 2 accounting academic monographs each time.