Call For Papers: China Economist Economics International Frontier Forum
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The world economy is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. The world needs to have a deeper understanding of China, and Chinese academics also need to go global to promote the development of international academic frontiers.In order to promote frontier exchanges and dialogues between China and other countries and promote the development of The discipline of Economics in China, the Editorial Department of The Chinese Economist and BNUBS will co-host the International Frontier Forum of Economics to discuss economic issues of global interest.


The Forum is scheduled to be held in Beijing in early December 2021.Now we are calling papers in English and Chinese from our colleagues in Economics.The Forum encourages scholars to study issues of great theoretical and practical significance in the course of China's development and reform from multiple perspectives based on China's national conditions and development practices. We are looking forward to your application!


Topics(Not Limited)


(1)The Latest Trends in Economic Research

(2)The Global Contribution of Chinese Economics

(3)China's New Industrialization and Modern Economic System

(4)Reconstruction of Global Industrial Chain and Adjustment of Chinese Industrial Development Strategy

(5)Innovation-driven and High-quality Economic Development

(6)"Dual carbon" Target and Green Development

(7)Digital economy, Platform Economy and Industrial Policy

(8)Deep Integration of Manufacturing and Service Industries

(9)Coordinated Development of Industrial Distribution and Regional Economy

(10)Eliminating Absolute Poverty and Alleviating Relative Poverty

(11)A New Pattern of All-round Opening-up and the Belt and Road Initiative

(12)Economic Research on the Community with a Shared Future for Mankind

(13)Other international frontiers in Economics




The paper should be an original academic paper in Chinese or English that has not been published publicly.For Chinese writing style, please refer to the articles published by China Economist. For English writing style, please refer to the articles published by China Economist.




  Please send your electronic submission to by September 30, 2021.  The subject of the email should be marked with "Economics International Frontier Forum”, and the attachment name should be "Name of the first author: Title of essay".  Author information (name, employer, mailing address, telephone number, E-mail, etc.) should be indicated separately on the first page of the paper.


  The review committee of the Forum is composed of senior scholars active in frontier research of economics and editors of The Editorial department of China Economist.We will select the papers from all the submitted papers. The notification of inclusion and the conference invitation will be sent to authors before November 15, 2021.

On the day of the Forum, senior scholars in related fields will give in-depth comments on participating papers, which will help improve the quality of papers. The review committee will select a certain number of excellent papers from the participating papers according to the academic standards of excellent papers and the review status of the papers. Excellent papers will be given priority in the evaluation process of China Economist. Chinese papers will be translated into English for publication by the Editorial department of China Economist.



No fees will be charged for this forum. Participants will need to pay for their own transportation and accommodation. We are going to provide youworking meals during the forum.




Chen Sumei, Editorial Department, China Economist




Organizer : Editorial Department of Chinese Economist

BNU Business School

Sponsor:Editorial Department of China Industrial Economics

Editorial Department of Economic Management



July 22, 2021


Founded in March 2006, China Economist is a bilingual economic academic journal published in both Chinese and English. It is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and sponsored by the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.The purpose is to publicize to the world the most advanced research results of Chinese economics and management that can represent the fundamental interests of the Chinese people, focus on China's major economic thoughts and major economic issues, and enhance China's international influence and voice. China Economist is included in EconLit, EBSCO, ProQuest, Scopus and other important databases.At the end of 2018, China Economist was rated as one of the nine journals "representing the highest level of English journals in humanities and social sciences in China" by AMI Catalog. In 2020, It was rated as one of China's Outstanding Academic Journal with International Influence.


The online submission system: