Call For Papers: Seminar on Digitization and Enterprise Breakthrough Innovation
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Ⅰ. Call For Papers

In the new stage of development, digital transformation of enterprises is accelerating, which has become an important way for Chinese enterprises to give full play to their advantages as a latecomer to drive innovation and development.The academia and the business community urgently need to develop new theories based on the digital transformation and innovation practices of Chinese enterprises to summarize and explore the breakthrough innovation path of enterprises in the digital economy era, so as to guide enterprises to achieve leap-forward development through digitization.


In order to explore the key mechanism and core point of enterprise breakthrough innovation under the background of digital economy, the Seminar on Digitization and Enterprise Breakthrough Innovation, organized by Economic Management and BNUBS, Sponsored by Center for Dynamic Competition and Innovation Strategy, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University and Center for International Business and Management, Beijing Normal University is aimed to use a new theoretical perspective to deeply think about the issues related to digital-driven breakthrough innovation of enterprises, carry out high-level management research, and promote the in-depth communication between academia and enterprises, so as to better promote the digital transformation and breakthrough innovation practice of Chinese enterprises.

The conference is scheduled to be held in Zhuhai campus of Beijing Normal University on September 25, 2021 (Saturday) and we are now calling papers. Research topics may include (but are not limited to) the following topics, and research methods are not limited:


Digital Transformation of Chinese enterprises and Practices and Typical cases;

The Influence Mechanism of Digital Platform on Enterprise Breakthrough Innovation;

Ecological organization on Platform and Enterprise Breakthrough Innovation;

How artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing and big data technologies (ABCD) empower companies to make breakthrough innovations;

The Cross-border Network Governance Model and Path of Breakthrough Innovation in the Digital Era;

Mechanism and Exploration of Way on Improvementof Regional Innovation Capability Driven by Digitalization;

Study on the Mode and Path of Boosting Chinese Enterprises' Transformation and Upgrading Via Digital Technology;

Digital Finance and Enterprise Breakthrough Innovation;

Enterprise Digital Capability and Breakthrough Innovation

Please log in to the website of "Economic Management" ( and submit your paper for the conference under the title of "Digitization and Enterprise Breakthrough Innovation".Deadline: September 15, 2021.

We will organize experts to select excellent papers, and recommend them to "Economic Management" into the review process. If it meets the requirements, priority will be given to publication. We will arrange on-site review and discussion of papers. For the selected excellent papers, experts will be invited to conduct on-site review and discussion, in order to provide more targeted help for the authors to modify and publish their papers.


Ⅱ. Preliminary Agenda:


First Day:


9:00-9:15 Opening Speech

9:15-10:25 Keynote Speech (Exchange of digital practical experience of well-known enterprises)

10:30-11:40 Keynote speech (Academic exchange of well-known experts)

11:45-12:15 Dialogue between enterprises and academia

13:30-17:00 Excellent papers on-site evaluation and discussion

17:00-17:20 Conference summary and outlook

Second Day:


9:00-11:30 Visiting Excellent enterprises


Ⅲ. Contact information:

Teacher Zhou:010-58803089,13718590067

Teacher Mei:010-68019057,13810765808


Please send the return receipt to of global Digital Economy). The deadline for the return receipt is September 20, 2021.



Economic Management

BNU Business School

May 27, 2021