The School Held a General Meeting for the Fall Semester of 2023
Time :2023-11-13

On the afternoon of September 27, BNUBS held a general meeting of the autumn semester in the conference room 9406 of the Jingshi Building. All faculty and staff attended the meeting, and Dean Qi Yudong presided over the meeting.

First of all, Qi Yudong expressed his heartfelt thanks and blessings to the teachers who retired this year, and warmly welcomed the new teachers to join our School.Teacher Lu Yuexiang, as the representative of retired teachers, made a speech, and the new teachers introduced themselves successively.

Party Secretary Sun Zhijun conveyed the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of the School.The report of the 14th Party Congress of the University made a comprehensive summary of the work of the past five years, and put forward the glorious mission of the new era and new journey: to comprehensively serve the construction of a powerful education country with the high-quality development of the School, and to comprehensively support the Chinese-style modernization with the high-quality development of education.The report separately deployed the five strategic projects of cultivating high-quality development subjects, disciplines and scientific research development, deepening the "one body and two wings" school-running pattern, enhancing the university's governance capacity, deepening the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, and implementing the five strategic projects.Then, Sun Zhijun introduced the work arrangement of the School's party building work, personnel work, financial work and other aspects.In terms of party building work, we must adhere to high-quality party building to lead the high-quality development of the School, constantly improve the quality of grass-roots party organization work, and further strengthen the ideological and political construction of teachers and students. In the personnel work, we should adhere to the high standard of the introduction of talents, carefully cultivate talents work policy. In financial work, we adhered to the principle of “combining business with money” and further standardized budget and expenditure management.

Associate Dean Zhang Pindan introduced the talent training work of the School. This semester, the School implemented a new talent training program, focusing on the periodic check of first-level disciplines, equine engineering textbooks, paper spot checks, and special work on talent training quality.

Associate Dean Cui Xuegang introduced the work related to MBA education and international certification. MBA education will continue to promote the platform and digital construction, based on the principles of moral cultivation, coordinated development, resource complementarity and value coordination, give full play to the multi-party interaction between teachers, students, alumni, cooperative units and competent departments, create a good MBA education ecology, and realize the open running of MBA and resource overflow. At the same time, the progress of AACSB and EQUIS international certification was also reported.

Associate Dean CaiHongbo made an introduction on the subject research, internationalization and postdoctoral work. The School's disciplines have excelled in the 2023 Times Higher Education Subject Ratings. Academic papers, research projects, academic exchanges and other scientific research work has been successful. International cooperation and exchanges have also been gradually restored and expanded.

Associate Secretary Jiang Jie took “promoting the all-round development of people and helping the construction of first-class teachers” as the overall idea, and focused on the construction of our faculty and the development of trade union activities in the last semester. In the next step, we will further improve the quality of teachers' ideological and political work based on the actual situation, and help teachers achieve personal career development through the School platform. At the same time, union work should make a more positive contribution to the development and welfare of staff.

Associate Secretary Han Lili made a presentation on student work, administrative work and alumni work.In terms of student work, we provide students with support and help in academic counseling, employment guidance, mental health and other aspects to promote their all-round development and healthy growth.In the daily administrative work, on the basis of continuing to do a good job of administrative teacher training, do a good job of innovation and exploration, improve the level of service, and then improve the efficiency of administrative work.In terms of alumni work, on the basis of basically realizing the normalization of alumni activities, the next step will be to establish a classified exchange platform so that alumni in various industries can communicate with each other and enhance contacts.

In the final summary speech, Qi Yudong affirmed the achievements of various undertakings of the School this year, and also put forward requirements for the direction of next efforts. The university proposes to build world-class disciplines in stages and in batches, and the construction of the three first-level disciplines of the school is urgent, requiring all faculty and staff to redouble their efforts, uphold the concept of innovation and fine management in personnel training, education and teaching, scientific research, internationalization, and administrative management, and further strengthen practical teaching to promote the high-quality development of the School.

Provided by School Office

Edited by Wang Wei

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun