BNUBS held a Party Discipline Study and Education Deployment Meeting
Time :2024-04-17

On April 15, 2024, BNUBS held a conference in room 1610 in the back main building to launch the deployment of Party discipline learning and education. The meeting was chaired by Sun Zhijun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School. Party and government team members, teachers and students Party branch secretary representatives attended the meeting.

First of all, the conference collectively learned the spirit of the documents of the Party Central Committee and the School Party Committee on the study and education of Party discipline. Secretary Sun Zhijun led the participants to collectively study the "Notice on carrying out Party Discipline study and education in the Whole Party" and the implementation plan of the School Party Committee to carry out Party discipline study and education. He pointed out that the study and education of Party discipline focused on solving the problems of some party members and cadres not caring, not understanding, not mastering and so on, organizing party members, especially Party members leading cadres, to seriously study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China", so as to learn discipline, know discipline, and observe discipline, and engrave compliance with the rules in their hearts and internalized into the code of words and deeds. Through study, they can further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, determination to resist corruption, and always be loyal, clean and responsible.

He stressed that according to the deployment arrangement of the school Party committee, it is necessary to adhere to the combination of Party discipline learning and education with the implementation of the spirit of the General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the School and the requirements of instructions and instructions, the combination of learning and implementing the spirit of the Party's 20 major decisions and deployments of the central Committee, the combination of implementing the deployment requirements of the 14th Party Congress of the school, and the combination of promoting the high-quality development of the School cause. We will effectively strengthen the Party's overall leadership, focus on solving the difficulties and obstacles encountered in reform and development, and make overall plans for a new chapter in reform and development.

Subsequently, Secretary Sun Zhijun made a detailed introduction to the implementation plan of the Party Committee of the College to carry out Party discipline learning and education from four aspects: goal requirements, time arrangement, work deployment, organization and leadership. He put forward three requirements to the teachers and students of the college party branch. First, it is necessary to organize party members to seriously understand the Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China, accurately understand and deeply understand the disciplinary requirements and relevant disciplinary decisions. The second is to educate party members to apply what they learn, to match words with deeds, and to implement the discipline requirements of party members in actual action. The third is to create a culture of reverence system and reverence rules, constantly improve the college system, and enhance the internal governance ability. The meeting discussed and adopted the implementation plan of the Committee of BNUBS of the Communist Party of China Beijing Normal University on the study and education of Party discipline in the whole School.

The Party Committee of the School regards the study and education of Party discipline as an important political task, sets up a leading group for the study and education of Party discipline, strengthens organizational leadership, strengthens supervision and guidance, does a good job in publicity and reporting, highlights work achievements, and ensures that the results of the study and education of Party discipline are effectively transformed into high-quality development results of the School.

Provided by Party Committee Office

Edited by Wang Jun

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun