BNUBS Successfully Held a Symposium for Administrative Personnel
Time :2024-05-28

On the morning of May 27, BNUBS held a symposium for its administrative personnel in 9406 Capital Building. The meeting was attended by the leaders of the School and all the administrative staff of the School.

At the meeting, Dean Qi Yudong informed the division of work arrangement of the members of the new administrative team of the School. He stressed that the new leadership team should get familiar with the work and enter the role as soon as possible, and the administrative staff should also closely cooperate with the work of the new responsible leadership.

Subsequently, Associate Secretary Han Lili made a summary of the administrative management work and a report on the future work prospects. She showed the achievements and shortcomings of the School's administrative work in the past period of time, and pointed out the future work ideas and improvement directions. Then, the heads of the various internal agencies offered suggestions. They put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions on how to improve administrative efficiency, optimize management process and strengthen team cooperation according to their respective work practice. These suggestions not only reflect their concern for the development of the college, but also demonstrate their professional quality and innovative spirit in the administration.

After listening to everyone's speeches, Qi Yudong pointed out that for a long time, the administrative team of our School has been hard-working and responsible, and has paid sweat for the development of the School and made great contributions. The overall goal of the administrative work of the School is to provide strong support and guarantee for the administrative management of the first-class school of Economics and management, adhere to the principles of efficiency, precision and caring, and each administrative department adheres to strict and standardized operation, carries out work creatively and flexibly, and sincerely serves the majority of teachers and students.

In his concluding speech, Secretary Sun Zhijun first expressed his gratitude to all the administrative staff for their hard work. In combination with the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of the School, he hoped that everyone would continue to adhere to the integrity and innovation in the future, create a cultural atmosphere of pursuing excellence, advocating rules, and involving everyone, maintain an optimistic and positive spirit, and work together to promote the continuous development of various undertakings of the School.

Contributed by School Office

Edited by Wang Wei

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun