BNUBS Held A Opening Ceremony for 2023 MBA Freshmen
Time :2023-08-30

On the evening of August 27, the opening ceremony of 2023 MBA freshmen at BNUBS was held successfully. Altogether 400 students and teachers attended the ceremony, including Special Guest Li Yi, Former Vice President of Bohai Bank and Special Advisor of Tianjin State-owned Enterprises High-quality Development Working Group of SASAC; Li Jian, General Manager and Chief Industrial Investment Officer of Guojia Capital; Qi Yudong, Dean of BNUNS; Sun Zhijun, Secretary of Party Committee of the School; Cui Xuegang, Associate Dean of BNUBS; Jiang Jie; Associate Secretary of Party Committee of the School; Han Lili; Associate Secretary of Party Committee of the School; Yang Juan, School teacher representative; Zhou Jianghua, Director of MBA Education Center; Associate Directors Li Jing and Wang Lulu; MBA Education Center teachers, new class teachers Tian Lu, Zhang Li, Chen Xiaojuan, Su Xiaoyuan, Huo Qihong, Yu Chen, Meng Jia, Chen Su; the MBA2022 student representative and the entire freshman class of 2023. The event is divided into two parts, including the opening ceremony and enrollment education.

The scene of the opening ceremony

The opening ceremony was presided over by Cui Xuegang, Associate Dean of the School.. The ceremony opened with the majestic national anthem.

Qi Yudong, Dean of the School, congratulated and welcomed the arrival of the 2023 MBA freshmen. In his speech, he said that going back to study, everyone should think about what kind of people they want to be, after two years of MBA. Thinking system determines success, students should cultivate their own thinking system. Then, Dean Qi analyzed the requirements for the cultivation of entrepreneurs in the new era. Students should adhere to the "Six Learning" to do a good study plan, improve the pattern of life through the "Five None Competition", pay attention to "Five Yuan" and "Five Shang", adhere to the School motto of “Learn, so as to instruct others; Act, to serve as example to all", fight for the goal of Promoting business and culture to serve the nation and the world by creating knowledge and developing talents. The road is obstacle-packed and long. But you will get through if you keep going.

Dean Qi Yudong delivered a speech

Associate Dean Cui Xuegang presided over the opening ceremony

Special Guest Mr. Li Yi, former Vice President of Bohai Bank and special consultant of Tianjin State-owned Enterprises High-quality Development Steering Group of SASAC, shared his study and work life, and put forward three ardent suggestions to the students. The first is to do quantitative management in the work; The second is to strengthen knowledge learning, to have a lasting attitude to learn professional knowledge, to cultivate their ability to analyze and solve problems; The third is to adhere to professional judgment, in-depth investigation and pragmatic attitude. With the school motto of“Learn, so as to instruct others; Act, to serve as example to all", he hoped the students to have high standard on themselves and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Special Guest Mr. Li Yi, former Vice President of Bohai Bank and special advisor to the Steering Group of High-quality Development of State-owned Enterprises of Tianjin SASAC, gave a speech

Professor Yang Juan spoke as the faculty representative. She first extended a warm welcome to all the freshmen, and then made three expectations and requirements for everyone. The first is to set long-term goals and make career plans. The second is to grasp the opportunities and resources during the study. The Third is to continue to improve the vision. Students are encouraged to set up the lofty goal of building the motherland, have a sense of mission and responsibility, and constantly improve their own value by helping the world, encouraging business and literature, and assume more social responsibilities in the future.

Yang Juan, faculty representative of BNUBS, made a speech

Zhang Xuemin, MBA student of Grade 2022 and President of the 15th MBA Federation, delivered a speech as the student representative. Through his more than one year of MBA study, he gave three practical suggestions. First, we should do a good job in academic planning and spend our MBA career better; Second, we should be a good student and be strict with yourself; The third is to actively participate in all kinds of activities, open the thinking and cognition and make more friends. He hoped that everyone would set high standards for themselves, forge ahead, and live up to their youth.

Zhang Xuemin spoke on behalf of the class of 2022

Wang Xixi, MBA class of 2023, spoke as a representative of new students. She first expressed her gratitude to the School and teachers on behalf of the freshmen in Grade 2023. As the students of BNU, as the successor of the new era, she proposed that we lived up to the youth, fight in the new road to pave the way for the national revival and build bridges for the construction of the motherland,so as to deliver excellent answers.

Wang Xixi, the representative of the class of 2023, spoke

"Mu Duo rings solemnly to educate BNUers to learn to be teachers and serve as example to all". The first half of the event ended with the heartfelt university song.

The education session was presided over by Wang Lulu , Associate Director of MBA Education Center.

Wang Lulu , Associate Director of the MBA Education Center, presided over the education session

Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, put forward three hopes and suggestions for the freshmen of 2023. First, the learning opportunity is precious. She hoped everyone can study actively, be focus, remain calm and settle in, and quickly complete the transformation from working people to student status psychologically. The second is that everyone has limited learning time, so we should do a good job in efficient management and set reasonable expectations. The third is to maintain emotional stability, delay satisfaction in the normal state of uncertainty, stand higher and go further. She hoped students can apply what you learn, use professional learning, combine practice, continue to improve, and become entrepreneurs who understand business and management in the future.

Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of BNUBS, gave a speech

Zhou Jianghua, Director of MBA Education Center, delivered a speech from the four aspects of goal, norm, behavior and study. He taught the students to improve their goals, to observe discipline and rules, to be active and diligent in behavior, and to plan and implement their studies. In this way, they can conquer their own shortcomings and loopholes, and improve a lot during the MBA learning period.

Zhou Jianghua, Director of MBA Education Center, made a speech on entrance education

Li Jing, Associate Director of the MBA Education Center, explained the overview of the MBA MBA program and the work arrangement of the school, and introduced in detail the School's historical development, discipline strength, MBA program development, training programs, courses and forums. It is recommended that we should organically combine study with other practical activities, consider our own development comprehensively, actively participate in practical activities, and become an important force to promote social progress.

Li Jing, Associate Director of the MBA Education Center, provided guidance for students

In a warm atmosphere, the opening ceremony of 2023 MBA freshmen at BNUBS was successfully concluded.

We sincerely wish all the students of 2023 to live up to their youth, be pragmatic and diligent, and graduate with great success.

Provided by MBA Education Center

Edited by Meng Jia

Reviewd by Cui Xuegang