The Scholarship Evaluation Meeting of 2023 Feng Lu-Dao Jie Innovative Practice Scholarship of BNUBS was Held Smoothly
Time :2023-11-30

On November 22, 2023, the scholarship evaluation meeting of 2023 Feng Lu-Dao Jie Innovative Practice Scholarship of BNUBS was held successfully in 1610 of the RearMain Building. Alumni Feng Lu, Zhou Caiyun, Director of Student Financial Aid Management Center of Student Work Department of University Party Committee, Han Lili, Associate Secretary of University Party Committee, Zhou Jianghua, Project Director of MBA Center of School, alumni and teachers related to student work participated in the meeting.

"Feng Lu - Dao Jie Innovation Practice Scholarship" funded by Feng Lu, a 1996 alumna of the School, aims to encourage outstanding students to actively innovate, bravely participate in practice, and grow into well-developedstudents with excellent comprehensive quality and "four qualities". This is the first selection after the establishment. After individual application, material review and publicity, a total of 10 students and projects were shortlisted for the defense evaluation of this year's Feng Lu-Dao Jie Innovative Practice Scholarship.

Before the meeting, Mr. Feng Lu made a speech first.He expressed his support and encouragement to the students of BNUBS in innovation practice, shared his own entrepreneurial experience, and put forward several hopes and suggestions for the School to broaden the guidance platform for students' innovation and entrepreneurship. Feng Lu said that through the establishment of this scholarship, he hoped to encourage more students of BNUBS to join the team of innovation practice, to increase their knowledge and improve the level of innovation practice.

During the defense review, the participating students introduced the projects they participated in, such as innovation and entrepreneurship, social research and volunteer practice, and shared their experiences and perceptions in the process of participating in innovation practice.Then, Mr. Feng Lu and the judges inspected the details of the implementation of the projects that the students participated in, and the students responded to the questions based on their own projects.

At the end of the judging meeting, Ms. Han Lili made a concluding speech. She expressed her gratitude to Mr. Feng Lu for always caring about the development and growth of the School students, and sent a message to the students to bear in mind his earnest instructions, to face the major national strategy and the needs of economic and social development, to do truly useful and meaningful innovative practices to promote their overall development and growth.

After comprehensive evaluation by the evaluation team, the following 6 students have been selected as the winners of the 2022-2023 academic year Fenglu-Daojie Innovative Practice Scholarship.




Award Level


Gao Xiangyu

New here --AIGC Empowers Smart Travel Trailblazers

First Prize


Zhang Buxin

Let the Rotten Buildings No Longer "Rot" -- AStudy on the Autonomy and Legitimacy of Mass Rights Protection Based on 1204 Questionnaires

Second Prize

FUTURE MI Xiaomi Business Innovation Challenge


Liu Zhaojun

Green Mang Technology -- "Blockchain +AIoT" Enables Enterprises to One-stop Carbon Management

Second Prize

How Can Green Finance Promote Industrial Upgrading? -- Mechanism Exploration and Regional Heterogeneity Analysis


Jiang Xinru

Service Management of Boundless Park in Huairou District -- Construction of "One Axis Multi-core" Boundless Park Belt

Third Prize


Li Yanchu

Unipinggo- Beijing Pingguo Culture Technology Co., LTD

Third Prize

Research on the Risk and Pricing of Corporate Bonds from the Perspective of the Development of Real Estate Industry -- Taking Longfor Group as an Example


Zhong Jie

"' Jiangxi Classroom 'Care for Jiangxi Rural Left-behind Children Summer Camp" Large-scale Public Welfare Activity Project - Jiujiang City Duchang County Chunqiao Middle School SchoolVolunteer Teaching Team

Third Prize

In addition to the innovative practice scholarship, Feng Lu also donated funds to establish the Inspirational Star Scholarship of the College and the overseas exchange support scholarship for students from poor families. After comprehensive evaluation, 3 students were awarded the School's Inspirational Star Scholarship and 2 students were awarded the Overseas Exchange Support Scholarship for students from poor families.

The selection of the Fenglu-Daojie Scholarship series adheres to the principle of selecting the best from the best, giving full play to the incentive and guiding role of the scholarship, and also demonstrates the excellent quality of the students of our School, such as diligence, scientific research, innovation, enthusiasm for practice, self-reliance, which is a full reflection of the undergraduate training achievements of our School. The School will also actively explore innovative practice resources in the future, provide a broader platform for innovative practice for our students, give full play to the educational effect of scholarships, and encourage students to grow into talents.

Provided by Party Committee Office

Edited by Gao Jingjing

Reviewed by Han Lili