Professor Wan Haiyuan of our School Published An Academic Paper in Economic Research
Time :2024-05-20

Recently, Professor Wan Haiyuan of BNUBS, Zhang Wei, a doctoral candidate of the School, Chen Jiping, a PhD graduate of 2022, a lecturer of the School of Labor Economics of Capital University of Economics and Business, and Xin Ke, a master student of the School, co-authored the paper Tax policy Support and the change of Enterprise expectationsand published it in the fourth issue of 2024 on Economic Research.

The weakening of expectations is a prominent problem facing the current macro economy. This paper focuses on the micro basis of the change of enterprise expectations, studies the mechanism of tax policy to enhance the confidence of market players, and puts forward targeted measures to enhance enterprise expectations. The results show that the combined tax incentive policy increases the cash flow of enterprises, helps to improve the positive development expectation, and expands the capacity demand of enterprises. Unexpected tax incentives will further enhance the sense of enterprise gain, enhance enterprise market confidence, and transform positive expectations into actual output expansion, reflecting the significant positive role of tax policies. Tax incentives can significantly boost the confidence of the manufacturing industry and private enterprises, especially the confidence improvement effect of tax return is greater than that of tax reduction and exemption, and the overall expected improvement effect is significant. In the near future, it is necessary to release a sustained good signal to the market, stimulate the enthusiasm of various enterprises for investment, guide enterprises to have reasonable expectations for policies, and accelerate the realization of policy dividends to enhance enterprise development expectations.

Wan Haiyuan, Zhang Wei, Chen Jiping, Xin Kejun, Tax policy Support and the change of Enterprise expectations, published in the Economic Research. 4, 2024.


About the Authors: Wan Haiyuan is a professor at BNUBS; a researcher at the Institute of Social Development, National Development and Reform Commission; a researcher at the China Institute of Income Distribution, Beijing Normal University; and a researcher at the GATE Institute, National Academy of Sciences, France. He is a Chief expert of major projects of the National Social Science Foundation. In recent years, he has published more than 10 books such as Promoting System and Policy Measures for Common Prosperity and many high-level papers in Economic Research and Managing World, and won the university Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award (humanities and social Sciences) Youth Achievement Award, Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award and other important awards.

Contributed by Scientific Research Office

Edited by Sun Yue

Reviewed by Wei Hao