The 2024 Graduate Representative Symposium of BNUBS Was Successfully Held
Time :2024-06-07

On the morning of June 6, 2024, BNUBS held a symposium of graduate representatives in Conference Room 1722 in the Rear Main Building. Dean Qi Yudong, Party Secretary Sun Zhijun, Party Committee Secretary Chang Xinyang, Party Committee organizer Wang Jun, 2020 Financial Science and Technology class director LAN Rujia, 2021 PhD class teacher Sun Changling, shoulder counselor Li Lun and alumni office director Li Ani attended the meeting.The meeting was chaired by Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee.

At the symposium, Dean Qi Yudong first, on behalf of the Schoool, sent sincere blessings to the graduates who have successfully completed their studies and are about to open a new chapter in their lives. He reviewed the process of the School and its graduates growing together, pointing out that graduation is not the end of education, but the prelude to a new chapter in life. Dean Qi has high hopes for the graduates, hoping that they can stick to the practical and diligent nature in the future scientific research and career, and climb the career peak. At the same time, he also warmly invited graduates to continue to pay attention to the development of the School and make suggestions for the progress of the School while pursuing their personal dreams.

Subsequently, the graduates spoke in turn, shared their job search experience, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on the School's work in personnel training, discipline construction, career development and other aspects. In the course of speaking, many students reflected the difficulties and challenges encountered in the process of determining employment intention and searching for job information. In this regard, the teachers at the meeting gave a patient and meticulous response and guidance, not only to answer the students' doubts, but also to provide practical suggestions.

At the end of the meeting, Secretary Sun Zhijun made a concluding speech. He highly praised the students' efforts in the job search process and pointed out the improvement direction lies in improving the training program and enhancing the employment guidance. He said the School will strengthen cooperation with enterprises, increase internship and job opportunities, and provide more high-quality career development resources for students. At the same time, Secretary Sun also expressed congratulations, exhortation and expectations for the students who are going to work, encouraged everyone to cultivate their own values and pay attention to their own ability training, at the same time, combined with the recent Party discipline learning and education mentioned to abide by the law, and reiterated the firm commitment to the future development of students, and firmly believed that every graduate will usher in a successful career.

The symposium was a complete success. It not only cared about the growth of alumni, actively implemented the work concept of "supporting students for life", but also provided useful references and opinions for the future talent training and discipline construction work. With the joint efforts of school leaders and teachers, graduates of BNUBS are bound to achieve more brilliant achievements in their future career paths.

Contributed by Party Committee Office

Edited by Li Lun

Reviewed by Han Lili