BNUBS Held a Series of Seminars for Student Representatives
Time :2023-05-23

In order to implement the study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively and deeply connect with students, steadily promote the effectiveness of students' ideological and political education work, and promote the construction of the college's "handling immediately after receiving a complaint" and "handling first before filing a complaint" work, BNUBS held a series of student representative symposiums for different student groups, including the student Party Branch Secretary symposium, the student representative symposium from poor families, the class monitor work symposium and the League branch secretary work symposium, etc. Ms. Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, and the instructors responsible for related work attended the symposium.

In order to help the student Party branch grow better and faster, and continuously improve the ability and level of students' party building work, on March 8, 2023, the School held a student Party Branch Secretary symposium in the 1610 conference room of the rear main building. At the meeting, the secretary of the student Party branch and the representatives of the branch members exchanged and shared the problems in the construction of the branch and daily study and life, and the teachers at the meeting gave practical and detailed answers to the problems of common concern to the students. Teacher Han Lili and Teacher Wang Jun pointed out in their answers that the student Party branch should make good use of the professional advantages of the vertical system and closely combine the party building work with the discipline. Student party building cadres should understand the ideological dynamics of students through education and conversation, combine solving ideological problems with solving practical difficulties, and improve the ideological and political level of students while promoting their individual development.

In order to better understand the problems and needs of students from families with financial difficulties in school study and life, on March 21, the School held a symposium of representatives of students from families with financial difficulties in conference room 1610 in the rear main building. At the meeting, Ms. Gao Jingjing first briefly introduced the overall situation of the School's students' family economic difficulties identification and related financial assistance work. Afterwards, the participants exchanged and shared their suggestions on the funding work of the School based on their own difficulties and problems in school study and life. The teachers listened carefully to the speeches of the students, put forward practical suggestions for the personal situation of the students, and encouraged the students to continue to maintain a confident and optimistic attitude towards life, and carry forward the spirit of pursuing excellence and self-improvement; And I hope that the students can open themselves more in the future, actively participate in various practical activities, explore their own advantages, study hard and make progress, and become people who contribute to the country and society.

In order to enhance the team building of the monitor, improve the class work level, and enhance the role of the monitor in connecting teachers and students, on April 6, the School held a class monitor work symposium in conference room 1610 in the rear main building. The symposium first invited Wang Xiaolong, class monitor of the 2020 master class who won the 2022 Beijing Excellent Class Collective, to share his work experience. Subsequently, the participating monitor actively exchanged the experience and problems of class work. Ms. Han Lili and Ms. Lan Rujia gave detailed answers and guidance to the questions raised by the class leaders from the aspects of actively contacting the class teacher, paying attention to and closely contacting the class classmates, and enhancing class cohesion.

In order to better strengthen the construction of the league branch, on May 6, the School held a symposium on the work of the league branch secretary in the 1722 conference room of the rear main building. The league branch secretaries and league branch committees who participated in the meeting introduced themselves, and exchanged and shared the problems and experiences encountered in the work of each branch and made suggestions based on the actual work. Teacher Han Lili and Teacher Chang Xinyang carefully listened to the opinions and suggestions of the students, gave detailed answers and responses to the questions raised by the league branch secretaries, and put forward requirements for the future work of the league branch, hoping that each branch will focus on learning and implementing the Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and lead the youth of the school to actively participate in it. They hoped that students strive to be ideal, dare to bear, can bear hardships, willing to struggle new era, constantly forge ahead, work hard and struggle to write the youth chapter.

As an important way of in-depth investigation and research, the series of seminars have effectively built a platform for communication and exchange between the School and students, enhanced the mutual understanding between the teachers and students of the School, and laid a solid foundation for the development of the student work of the School. In view of the various problems, difficulties and demands of the students in study and life learned at the symposium, the Party committee of the School seriously studied and carried out targeted answers and solutions in the follow-up work. In response to the issue of internship and employment information release channels, the School has set up an information sharing mutual aid group and organized the career development committee of each class to timely convey notices and information. In response to the academic pressure, the School relied on the "climbing plan" of the academic counseling room for undergraduates and the " Doctoral and postgraduate students education" program for postgraduates to carry out a series of academic counseling and sharing activities. In view of the needs of the graduate students for the database of economics and management, the School encouraged students to actively submit applications to the library, and the library has purchased Wind data terminals to serve the academic research data needs of students. In response to the progress demands of international exchange programs, the School actively docked feedback with relevant departments. In addition, the School has also set up overseas exchange support scholarships for students from poor families to help solve the problem of overseas exchange for students from poor families. In the future, the School will continue to adhere to the student-oriented work philosophy, and continue to hold student groups at all levels to understand and respond to students' concerns in a timely manner to help students develop in an all-round way.

Provided by Party Committee Office

Edited by Gao Jingjing

Reviewed by Han Lili