Our Students Won Many Honors in BNU's "Me and My Career" Interview Activity
Time :2024-04-02

In order to cultivate and improve students' professional quality, enhance students' employability, broaden students' employment horizon, and promote students' more comprehensive cognition of all walks of life, the Career Development and Employment Guidance Center of the Student Work Department of the Party Committee of the University launched the "Me and My Caree” interview activity. This event aims to provide valuable career guidance and advice to students by inviting outstanding alumni and industry elites from different industries and fields to share their growth experiences, career choices and successful experiences.

A total of 9 teams from BNUBS participated in the activity, and they performed well and won many honors, fully demonstrating the enterprising spirit of our students and the pursuit of excellence. The 9 participating teams of our School won five first prizes, one third prize and three excellence awards.

The students fully prepared for this activity, actively communicated with alumni, and dug into alumni's career experience, growth stories and life insights. Through interviews, the students not only learned about the working environment and career requirements of different industries, but also gained valuable professional wisdom from the successful experiences of alumni. The achievement of these honors shows the individual ability and teamwork spirit of the students of BNUBS, and is also an affirmation of the talent training work of the School. The interview reports of relevant alumni will be released on the official wechat account of the School.

In the future, BNUBS will continue to uphold the motto spirit of “Learn, so as to instruct others; Act, to serve as example to all", and the school motto mission of "Promoting business and culture to serve the nation and the world by creating knowledge and developing talents", and strive to be student-oriented, integrate resources, and provide students with more high-quality educational resources and a broader space for growth.

Providedby Alumni Work Office

Edited by Li Ani

Reviewed by Han Lili