A Tean of the University of York Visited Our School
Time :2024-06-05

On the morning of June 4th, Professor Neil Lunt, Associate Dean of the School of Business and Society, University of York, UK, Professor Caroline Chaffe, Associate Dean of the School of Business and Social Education, and Lingzi Cook, International Commissioner of the University of York, visited our School. Associate Dean Hu Conghui met with the guests, faculty representative Yang Dan, Director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation Xie Jia, and project leader Shang Yihong attended the meeting.

Hu Conghui expressed his sincere welcome to the visit of York University and introduced the basic situation of York University in detail, covering the subject setting, faculty strength, scientific research achievements, internationalization construction and other aspects.

Neil Lunt expressed his gratitude for the warm reception and introduced the basic situation of York University and the School of Business and Society. He pointed out that York University's School of Business and Society is not only committed to promoting scientific research, but also attaches great importance to the quality of teaching, ranking among the top universities in the UK.

Both sides agreed that this meeting has laid a good foundation for bilateral cooperation and look forward to further strengthening cooperation and promoting exchanges in the future. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the double degree program, student exchange program, short-term visiting program, scientific research cooperation and other aspects, and agreed to cooperate in the future.

The University of York, founded in 1963, is a research university and a member of the Russell Group of British universities. The University of York is currently ranked 139th in the world, and the UK Research Excellence Framework Research Impact ranking ranks 10th in the UK.

Contributed by: International Exchange and Cooperation Office

Edited by Shang Yihong

Reviewed by Hu Conghui