Gao Xudong's Lecture, Technological Innovation Strategy in the New Stage of China's Economic Development, Was Successfully Held
Time :2024-05-27

On the evening of May 25, 2024, the 32nd lecture of "Digital Economy and Management Lecture Hall" of BNUBS, Technological Innovation Strategy in the New Stage of China's Economic Development, was held in the sixth Conference Room of the Jingshi Building. Professor Gao Xudong from School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University is invited to give the lecture. Zhou Jianghua, director of the MBA Education Center, presided over the lecture, and more than 130 faculty members of BNUBS and students of bachelor, master and doctoral degrees were present to listen.

Professor Gao Xudong

(Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Deputy Director of Technology Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University, Member of the Expert Committee on Information and Communication Economy of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Vice Chairman of the China Society of Industrial Economics)

Professor Gao first emphasized that China's economic development has entered a new stage, and further explained this view from the great changes in the international situation and the changes in China's internal economic development. He believed that in the new stage of economic development, we face two major challenges, that is, to prevent the Sino-US economic competition from falling into a "long-term stalemate" internationally, and to prevent China's economic development from lingering at a long-term low speed domestically. Therefore, the core tasks of the new phase can be summarized as two firsts, one dominant and one first. The two firsts are to "quickly build the world's first economic power" and "accelerate the construction of the world's first economic power".The one dominant is to establish a technological innovation system, industrial system and economic system dominated by local enterprises and local forces. A first-class is that every unit and every individual should speed up to the world-class. Professor Gao put forward four principles for the new stage of technological innovation strategy, especially the importance of forming a local system. In the lecture, Professor Gao interspersed a large number of cases of China's advanced manufacturing enterprises and high-tech enterprises, and spoke with facts, which made the teachers and students who participated in the lecture feel convinced and excited.

Finally, Professor Gao also fully communicated with the teachers and students present and answered various questions.

Zhou Jianghua, Director of MBA Center, thanked Professor Gao for his wonderful lecture. This lecture gave the students a clear view of the research and solid research practice to share, at the same time, Professor Gao's explanation is simple, fascinating, andexciting, for the students to understand the new stage of China's economic development. It has a very important guiding significance.

Introduction to the Lecture Series “Digital Economy and Management Lecture Hall”

BNUBS adheres to the mission of “Promoting business and culture to serve the nation and the world by creating knowledge and developing talents" and continues to pay attention to the development and practice of digital economy and management. Since September 2020, the “Digital Economy and Management Frontier Lecture Series” has been held 30 lectures. From May 2023, the lecture series has been officially upgraded to “Digital Economy and Management Lecture Hall”, showing the current development picture of digital economy and management from the perspectives of economy, management, culture, technology and change, trying to interpret the connotation and law of this surging forward tide. To lead the deeper thinking and practice of China's economic development and enterprise change and innovation in the new economic era.

From March to June 2024,“Digital Economy and Management Frontier Lecture Series” successively invited 6 heavyweight experts to share lectures, welcome to attend.

Contributed by MBA Education Center

Edited by Zhang Li, Li Jing

Reviewed by Hu Conghui