Our School Went to Cloud Fee Payment for Investigation And Research
Time :2023-05-22

In order to carry out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, fully implement the spirits of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, and promote the high-quality development of higher education, on the morning of May 19, 2023, a team of BNUBS went to Cloud Fee Payment Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out research. The two sides conducted research and exchanges on the development of Cloud Fee Payment business, the high-quality development of digital economy, financial technology innovation and expansion, school-enterprise service innovation cooperation, and the establishment of a talent system. Sun Zhijun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, Zhang Pingdan, Associate Dean of BNUBS, Cui Xuegang, Associate Dean of BNUBS, Jiang Jie, Associate Secretary, Zhou Jianghua, Associate Director of MBA Center, Li Jing, Wang Jun, Chen Su and other teachers participated in the research activities.

Fan Xiaofeng, Vice General Manager of Cloud Fee Payment, guided a visit to the office area of Cloud Fee Payment Technology Co., LTD., briefly introduced the development history, core business and competitive advantages of Cloud Fee Payment, and conveyed the welcome of Chairman Xu Changzhi to the visit of our delegation. Secretary Sun Zhijun first thanked Cloud Fee Payment for providing this opportunity for research and visit, which is not only an in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, but also to promote familiarity with enterprises, enhance school-enterprise cooperation, and promote talent training and student employment.

In order to further understand the business development of Cloud Fee Payment and the development trend of digital convenience services in the future, Chen Hongwei, a senior expert of the company explained the smart large screen of cloud payment and introduced the development status of cloud payment business, and we learned that Everbright Cloud payment has made considerable development and profound accumulation in digital convenience payment. It has also achieved many characteristic projects in personal basic life payment, social security cloud payment, party affairs cloud payment, education cloud payment and digital government affairs, in particular, it exclusively undertook the national off-campus education and training fund supervision and service platform, and provided smart campus scene financial services for many schools. Vice General Manager Fan Xiaofeng further added that Cloud Fee Payment would focus on the development of government payment and enterprise payment in the future, make full use of the advantages of think tanks such as schools and research institutes, and tap the value of digital assets and the realization of traffic.

In the subsequent discussion and exchange session, the two sides conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on party fee management cooperation, tuition fee management cooperation, digital asset research and talent training mode. They also shared their respective experiences and practices, and put forward cooperation suggestions and opinions. In terms of party fee management and tuition fee management, Ms. Chen Hongwei further introduced relevant cases and specific practices, and Song Wenchun, secretary of the Discipline Committee of the company, added the disciplinary requirements for party fee payment. In terms of talent training, Hu Yanjun, Assistant General Manager of Human resources Department of the company, introduced the company's number of people, hierarchical structure and disciplinary background, the company's future focus on the professional direction of talents and the five soft strengths expected to recruit talents: self-drive, pragmatism, vision, maturity and pressure resistance. Ma Yuze, Assistant General Manager of product research and development team of the company, added suggestions based on actual work experience and own experience. He pointed that fintech talents are able to understand the discourse system and operation mode of both finance and technology.

After in-depth and warm exchanges and discussions, the two sides looked forward to further cooperation on party fee management, tuition fee management and talent training, especially the joint development of curriculum construction, lecture series, case competitions, characteristic direction co-construction, practice base construction and other personnel training cooperation.

Provided by Party Committee Office

Edited by Chen Su

Reviewed by Jiang Jie