Vice President Kang Zhen Went to BNUBS to Investigate Research Work
Time :2024-05-11

On the morning of May 10, 2024, in order to fully implement the development strategy of scientific research excellence proposed by the 14th Party Congress of Beijing Normal University, Kang Zhen, vice president of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University, Sun Yu, vice president of the Research Institute and director of the Social Sciences Division, and two other people visited our School for research and exchange. Dean Qi Yudong, Party Secretary Sun Zhijun, Associate Dean Cai Hongbo and faculty representatives attended the research symposium.

Vice President Kang Zhen first introduced the background and purpose of the survey. This research is expected to further integrate scientific research forces through the understanding of the discipline and scientific research construction status and needs of the School, aiming at the major strategic needs of the country, and serving the implementation of the excellent scientific research development strategy proposed by the 14th Party Congress of BNU.

Then, Qi introduced the key areas of scientific research and the construction of talent team of the School. In recent years, the School has consolidated the traditional advantages of the direction, incrementally distributed new and interdisciplinary disciplines, and adopted effective measures to encourage the continuous emergence of talents. It has made some achievements in the development of disciplinary scientific research, but also faces new problems and challenges.

The participants had a warm exchange on how to focus on development areas and talent cultivation.

In his summary, Vice President Kang Zhen pointed out that the School should conscientiously study and implement the excellent scientific research strategy proposed by the 14th Party Congress of BNU, plan the major strategic directions of disciplines and scientific research closely around the frontier areas of academic theory, serve the major strategic issues of the country, respond to the hot and difficult issues of the economy, carry out organized scientific research, and further improve the scientific research strength in order to make due contributions to building the university into a world-class university with Chinese characteristics, which is comprehensive, research-oriented and leading in teacher education.

Provided by Scientific Research Office

Edited by Sun Yue

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun