The First Zhu Yujing Scholarship Judging Meeting of BNUBS Was Held Successfully
Time :2024-04-26

On the afternoon of April 16, 2024, the first Zhu Yujing Scholarship Review Meeting was successfully held in 1610 of the back main Building. Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee, Wu Qinhong, Director of the Accounting Department, Yang Dan, teacher of the Accounting Department, Teacher Li Ran, teacher of accounting class 23, Teacher Chang Xinyang, secretary of the Youth League Committee of the School and teachers related to student work participated in the review meeting.

The Zhu Yujing Scholarship of the School of Economics and Business Administration of Beijing Normal University, funded by Ms. Li Na and Mr. Zhu Song, is designed to reward undergraduate students in the department of accounting with outstanding achievements and comprehensive development, help cultivate top accounting innovative talents with "four qualities", good humanistic and scientific literacy, generous professional foundation of economics and management, solid accounting professional knowledge and skills, broad international vision and strong sense of social responsibility. After personal application, material review and publicity, a total of 8 students were shortlisted for the defense evaluation of this year's Zhu Yujing Scholarship.

Before the review meeting began, Ms. Wu Qinhong, head of the Department of Accounting, made a speech first. She expressed her gratitude to Ms. Li Na and Mr. Zhu Song, and thanked the School for its support in the talent training process of the Accounting department. Finally, Ms. Wu encouraged accounting students to constantly improve themselves and become accounting professionals worthy of important responsibilities.

In the process of defense review, the participating students introduced their ideological and moral character, academic research, volunteer practice, etc., and shared their experiences and perceptions in the learning process of the accounting department. Afterwards, the judges examined the students' personal situation and other details, and the students responded to the questions.

At the end of the review meeting, Ms. Han Lili, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, made a concluding speech. First of all, she expressed her gratitude to Ms. Li Na and Mr. Zhu Song for the development and growth of the students of the Accounting Department of the College, and sent a message to the students to bear in mind the earnest instructions of outstanding alumni, face the major strategic needs of the country and the needs of economic and social development, strengthen their sense of mission and responsibility, and promote their overall development and growth.

After the comprehensive evaluation of the review team, Wu Tong, Guo Jincheng, Li Yingjue, Long Muzerang and other four outstanding undergraduates of the accounting department were awarded the first Zhu Yujing Scholarship.

The selection of Zhu Yujing Scholarship adheres to the principle of selecting the best from the best and giving full play to the incentive and guiding role of the scholarship, and also shows the excellent quality of accounting students who are studious, competitive in scientific research, enthusiastic in practice and brave in innovation, which is a full reflection of the achievements of undergraduate talents training in our college. In the future, the School will continue to actively explore resources, provide students with a broader platform for self-growth, give full play to the educational effect of scholarships, and encourage the majority of economic and management students to grow into talents.

Provided by Party Committee Office, Department of Accounting

Edited by Gao Jingjing

Reviewed by Han Lili, Wu Qinhong