The Opening Ceremony of BNUBS's "Economic and Management Culture Festival" and the First Practical Forum of "The Youth’s Voice on the Economic and Management Discipline" - Empowering Rural Revitalization of Industrial Development Were Successfully Held
Time :2024-05-15

On the afternoon of May 11, 2024, the Opening Ceremony of BNUBS's "Economic and Management Culture Festival" and the First Practical Forum of "The Youth’s Voice on the Economic and Management Discipline" - Empowering Rural Revitalization of Industrial Development were successfully held in the electric lecture Hall.Qi Yudong, Dean of BNUBS, Chen Jinbo, AssociateMinister of the Student Work Department and Director of the Management Office of the School Party Committee, Li Chen, member of the Party group and AssociateDirector of the Dongcheng District Bureau of Commerce, Jiang Jie and Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, and Xu Licheng, lecturer of the Department of Economics, teachers of the Student work Office, backbone of the league and youth members participated in the activity.The opening ceremony was presided over by Han Lili, AssociateSecretary of the Party Committee of the BNUBS.

Figure 1 Opening Ceremony

The first unit of the activity was the opening ceremony of the "Economic and Management Culture Festival". First, the replay video of the "Economic and Management Culture Festival" series of activities was played on the floor, which livened up the atmosphere of the venue, and also showed the energetic spirit of the economic and management students and the good learning atmosphere of hard study and innovation in the School.

In his speech, the Dean of BNUBS, Mr. Qi Yudong, warmly welcomed the teachers, students and guests and expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the event.He said that the "Economic Management Culture Festival" is based on the actual needs of contemporary economic management students to grow and become talented, helping to cultivate high-quality college students in the new era with complete "Five Quotients" and " five human relationships". The activity design was diverse and rich in content, which is an important platform for students to show themselves, exchange and learn, and enhance friendship, and also showed the cultural heritage and school-running characteristics of the School."The Youth’s Voice on the Economic and Management Discipline"is another core education brand created by the College relative to "Taking Root in China". It encourages economics and management students to participate in grassroots governance, research national conditions and people's conditions, go into the fields, help rural revitalization, and make their voice with professional knowledge, research spirit and strong will.In addition, Dean Qi also expressed the expectation that the Economic and Management Culture Festival would continue to innovate and develop, connect various social subjects to discuss the connotation and value of economic and management culture, attract more excellent students to join the economic and management family, and promote the construction and development of the School.

Figure 2 Qi Yudong, Dean of BNUBS

Li Chen, Party member and AssociateDirector of Dongcheng District Bureau of Commerce, Beijing, spoke as a representative of the alumni. On behalf of the 2011 graduate students and the Bureau of Commerce of Dongcheng District of Beijing, he expressed warm congratulations to the holding of the "Economic Management Culture Festival" of Normal University.Combined with the theme of "Rural Revitalization Empowered by Industrial Development" of this practice forum, he deeply reviewed the work experience of participating in rural revitalization in Dangxiong County, Lhasa City, Tibet. He stressed the importance of improving people's skills to get rich in rural revitalization work, and the key role of industrial development in accordance with local conditions and local characteristics.At the same time, in his speech, he also welcomed the leaders and alumni to the East city "under the Zhengyang Gate, beside the Jinshui Bridge" to guide the work and do business. Finally, he put forward three hopes to the students: The first is to keep the original heart and the pursuit of personal ideals into the overall situation of national development; The second is to continue the deep cultivation of originality, through practice to continuously improve the professional ability and the ability to serve society; The third is to pursue good end as the beginning of perseverance, with firm faith and persistent efforts to forge ahead.

Figure 3 Li Chen, Party member and Deputy Director of Dongcheng District Bureau of Commerce, Beijing

Qi Jingyu, master of Grade 2022 and captain of the 2023 Summer Fangtai Social Practice team, spoke as a student representative and shared the experience and harvest of participating in the "Fangtai Research" summer social practice.In the process of building a team, determining the theme, and assembling a small team for investigation, she deeply realized that practice is an effective supplement to theoretical learning and the importance of teamwork. Enterprise research is an important second class for students to learn, and it also needs to serve the high-quality development of enterprises and local economic construction.Taking the Fangtai research team as an example, the final research results covered the three major themes of innovative development, green development and social responsibility, and summarized the policy adjustment and innovation results made by Fangtai Group under the guidance of national policies, providing a reference for other enterprises to carry out green management and technological innovation. She also started from her own experience, encouraged students to bravely embark on the road to practice, challenge themselves, and thanked the school Party committee student work Department and the school Youth League Committee for their strong support.

Figure 4 Qi Jingyu, master of Grade 2022 and leader of Fangtai Social Practice Team in Summer of 2023

After a short break, the second unit of the activity - the First Practical Forum of "The Youth’s Voice on the Economic and Management Discipline" kicked off. Six students who performed well in the winter vacation survey reported their research process and results, and on-site experts made comments and gave targeted suggestions to the students. The practice forum was presided over by Chang Xinyang, secretary of the Youth League Committee of the School.

Liu Yu gave a presentation on the theme of "The Practice of Green Development Concept in the land of Jiangxi Poan -- Realistic Challenges and future Prospects of Lushan Yunwu Tea". The research team adopted a variety of research methods, such as questionnaire survey, field observation, interview and investigation, etc., and successfully promoted the construction of public account, completed data collection and analysis, and wrote research reports and research findings. The paper summarized and analyzed the development predicament of Lushan Yunwu tea industry, and put forward development suggestions from the green perspective. The research team has made innovations in data visualization, introducing analysis indicators, and looking at problems from multiple perspectives. With the love of hometown, the team members also put forward the prospect of green and sustainable development of Jiangxi Poyang land.

Figure 5 Liu Yu, an undergraduate majoring in Fintechof Grade 2023

Ms. Liu Zixuan gave a report on the topic of "Research on Value Segmentation and Market Development of Characteristic Agricultural Products Industry Chain under the Background of Rural Revitalization - Taking Mianyang Rice Noodles as an Example". Starting from the success of Liuzhou Luosifen and the imbalance of the industrial chain in the "last kilometer", the team deeply discussed the distribution of the industrial value chain and the process of Mianyang rice noodle "going out". They conducted field investigations to understand the basic information and policy interpretation of rice flour; They spoke with park managers to learn about rice noodle processing and industry data. Through questionnaire survey and comparative analysis, the research team finally concluded the price changes and cost changes of Mianyang rice flour, and put forward corresponding policy suggestions.

Figure 6 Liu Zixuan, anundergraduatof Grade 2022 majoring in Economics

Li Chen, a member of the Party Leadership group and Associate Director of the Bureau of Commerce of Dongcheng District, Beijing, and a graduate student of our School in 2011, first affirmed that the two groups of students had rich research content, followed the facts closely, and had strong theoretical professional knowledge as the support. The research activities not only grounded the gas but also provided useful suggestions for the development and construction of their hometown.At the same time, the research process also has some shortcomings, which are reflected in the small number of questionnaires and weak representation, and the theme of green development is not highlighted. In this regard, Li Chen gave suggestions to improve the research: the research topic can be more focused; The characteristics are not obvious enough, the discussion of added value of science and technology is ignored, and the quantitative analysis of policy factors can be supplemented.

Figure 7 Comments by Li Chen, Party member and Associate Director of Dongcheng District Bureau of Commerce, Beijing

Ning Jingwen and her team members took Yanchi Village in Sichuan Province as an example to conduct a research on the effective connection between the achievements of consolidating poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. The research team explored the sustainability of the characteristic industry of "rice-fish symbiosis" in Yanchi Village and the appropriate development direction in the future through preliminary literature research, mid-term field research, interviews and online questionnaire survey, and later data analysis and summary. The results show that the effectiveness of grass-roots governance, the level of family education, the construction of ecological civilization, and the construction of service-oriented government significantly affect the sustainability of rural development. Based on the questionnaire data analysis and field investigation, the research team put forward policy suggestions such as accelerating the improvement of land circulation, adjusting the rural economic structure, and increasing the investment in rural education resources. The research team also realized through this practice that rural revitalization needs the joint efforts of the whole society.

Figure 8 Ning Jingwen, an undergraduate majoring in Fintech of Grade 2022

Gao Kai gave a report on the theme of "Research on the Development Strategy of Pine Nut Industry in Meihekou City, Jilin Province". Through interviews and field visits, they had an in-depth understanding of the development status of the local pine nut industry, including industrial scale, processing capacity, and government policy support. During the research process, the team had in-depth exchanges with Meihekou Pine Seed Association, local government departments and leaders of local enterprises, and discussed the roles and strategies of the government and manufacturers in industrial development. In addition, the team also discussed the issue of "whether shoplifting behavior is policy-oriented", analyzed the fraud risk factor theory, and put forward targeted policy suggestions. They have recorded on the "Songyun Research" public account, visit video, interview records, etc., which is a combination of theory and practice, unity and cooperation during this period of time.

Figure 9 Gao Kai, anundergraduate majoring in international Economics and Trade of Grade2022

Jiang Jie, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, affirmed that the research reports of the two groups of students are full of feelings of patriotism, reflecting the social responsibility of students to love their hometown and feed their hometown, and also in line with the major policies of the country. The research not only promoted the students' understanding of professional knowledge in practice, but also improved their understanding of professional knowledge. Writing research reports using multi-dimensional statistics and factor analysis, regression testing was a good academic training, but also enhanced everyone's unity and cooperation ability. She also reminded the students that there are still some shortcomings in the research: the object structure of the questionnaire issued by NingJingwen's group is not quite consistent with the real rural situation, and the inclusion of insignificant factors in the analysis suggestions does not meet the requirements of empirical analysis; The analysis of the Gao Kai team needs to combine internal and external factors of the industry, and it is recommended to use more comprehensive analysis tools, in-depth study of industrial policies, supplement the potential risk points for the development of the pine nut industry, and put forward more practical and effective suggestions for the construction of the hometown.

Figure 10 Comments by Jiang Jie, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of BNUBS

Chang Xinya reported on the theme of "Research on the Path of Digital Inclusive Finance to Help Farmers and Rural Common Prosperity - Taking the 'Rural Assets Digital Service Platform' in Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province as an example". Under the background that inclusive finance has increasingly become an important starting point for promoting Chinese-style modernization, the research team has studied the situation of Yuncheng's rural assets digital service platform in detail.

Through literature review, questionnaire survey, qualitative interview and case analysis, the research team gained an in-depth understanding of the platform's operation and challenges. In terms of innovation, the research team adopted offline publicity and cooperated with the village committee to conduct one-on-one guidance publicity. The team summarized the path of digital inclusive finance to help farmers and rural areas get rich together, proposed a five-step methodology for the digital operation of rural assets, and put forward relevant suggestions for farmers, the platform itself and the local government.

Figure 11 Chang Xinya, an undergraduate majoring in International Economics and Trade in Grade 2022

On behalf of the research team, Lin Zhiyuan reported the practice and strategy research of rural revitalization in Juqiao Town. Juqiao Town has a long history and is also the main development land of the city's "East expansion strategy". The team adopted various methods such as literature analysis, field research, interviews and data analysis to investigate the transformation and development of the town, the methods and difficulties of grassroots work, and the construction of cultural tourism model villages and digital villages. They had a certain understanding of local economic development, industrial conditions, revitalization policies, sustainable development, and community participation in governance. In the process of investigation, hundreds of small but new reforms and innovations in Juqiao Town left a deep impression on the team members. In addition, the research team also put forward further reflection on the rural grassroots work and rural revitalization and development, and realized that the grassroots work is not easy, and to achieve rural revitalization and development requires long-term persistence and investment, and also needs outstanding university graduates to join the grassroots and participate in the construction of their hometown.

Figure 12 Lin Zhiyuan, Master of 2023

Xu Licheng, a lecturer in the Department of Economics of the School, pointed out that how sports digitalization can help rural revitalization is an important topic at present, and the topics of the two groups are very realistic, and the team can complete all aspects of the research and form a detailed research report. At the same time, he also pointed out the shortcomings of the current work of the research team and gave suggestions for improvement: Chang Xinya research team also needs to pay more attention to the contradictions of digital development, such as the proposition of "digital luck" and "digital divide", to grasp the direction of digital technology development, so that digital technology can serve the people and avoid people becoming digital slaves; The topic of Lin Zhiyuan's research team is too large, and it should focus more on specific issues, for example, it can explore topics such as talent and capital in the construction of new rural areas.

Figure 13 Comments by Xu Licheng, Lecturer, BNUBS

With warm applause, the practical forum was successfully concluded. Rural revitalization is a systematic project involving economic, social, cultural, ecological and other aspects, which requires the joint participation and long-term efforts of the whole society. At this forum, the wonderful reports of the research teams from different regions and the high-level comments of the experts let us witness the vivid practice and innovative exploration of rural revitalization in various places. It is believed that under the leadership of the call of the Economic Management Culture Festival, the economic management people will gather the spirit of "helping the world and encouraging the business and writing", continue to struggle and write beautiful chapters on the vast land of the motherland.

Contributed by Youth League Committee Office

Edited by Chang Xinyang

Reviewed by Han Lili