Teachers and Students of Our School Successfully Visited Lenovo Headquarters in Beijing: Feel the Charm of the Digital Economy And Stimulate the Enthusiasm for In-depth Research
Time :2023-10-30

On October 26, 2023, a group of students of our School visited Lenovo headquarters in Beijing under the leadership of Dean Qi Yudong, shoulder counselor Li Lun, and Teacher Wang Xue from the Department of Digital Economy and Management. This study visit was a part of the practical teaching of the course Principles of Digital Enterprise Management taught by Mr. Qi Yudong. Through the teaching mode combining theory and practice, the students would have a deeper understanding of the operation and management of digital enterprises.

First of all, in the intelligent living area on the first floor, the staff of Lenovo Beijing Headquarters elaborated on the development history of Lenovo, the history of computing power and the actions of actively practicing ESG concept, and led teachers and students to visit the basic overview of Lenovo's convenience and intelligence in different life scenes such as home, office, kitchen, entertainment and car skills. Then, in the intelligent industry area on the second floor, the staff further introduced Lenovo Group's digital technology application and diffusion in robotics, aerospace, sports, education and other industries, as well as its many efforts in implementing the national green environmental protection advocacy, fully demonstrating Lenovo Group's strong digital technology innovation strength and rich results after the successful digital transformation, which would enable high-quality economic development.

The person in charge of Lenovo further introduced the basic overview of Lenovo's four stages of development, global supply chain, three-level innovation system and other enterprises, as well as the specific cases of Lenovo providing solution support for many enterprises' digital transformation, showing the strong scientific research strength behind Lenovo. In this process, the students deeply realized Lenovo Group's outstanding contributions in actively seeking global social value creation, such as setting up scientific research funds, donating smart classrooms, etc., and felt Lenovo Group's warm humanistic care and firm social responsibility. In the questioning session, the teachers and students of our School asked questions on the pain points of industrial Internet development and Lenovo's corporate boundary positioning, and the person in charge of Lenovo gave targeted answers to the above questions.

Through the visit and study activities of Lenovo Beijing headquarters, the students personally experienced the rapid development of cutting-edge technology products, felt the diversified application of the digital economy, and better understood the broad development prospects of the digital economy. This activity effectively enhanced the students' understanding of digital enterprises and digital products, deepened the students' understanding of the relevant courses of Principles of Digital Enterprise Management, and made the students have more enthusiasm and confidence in further learning and research of digital economy.

Provided by: Cheng Jie, Shen Tianyang

Reviewed by Qi Yudong