The Teachers And Students of BNUBS Achieved Great Results in the School Sports Meeting
Time :2024-05-06

From April 26 to 27, 2024, Beijing Normal University 2024 Sports Meeting opened with the theme of "No Sports, No Education - To make our education better , we must first make our teachers better, we must bear the mission on the shoulder".Our teachers and students actively participated in the games, everyone forged ahead together, fully demonstrating the firm and sonorous spirit of the School.Dean Qi Yudong and Associate Secretary Han Lili attended the opening and closing ceremonies, and Associate Secretary Jiang Jie participated in the queuing ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, the square formed by our teachers and students attracted the attention of many spectators. Walking in front of the phalanx are three teachers, they held the flag in hand and strided with high spirit. The playful and cute glutinous rice mascot came to the side of the rodeo and showed us the numbers 45 and 10 in his hand, which represented that this year was the 45th anniversary of the establishment of BNUBS, and also the 10th anniversary of the General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Beijing Normal University. At the same time,the umbrella opens, as the flower bud blooms, setting off the eye-catching "ECO" words in the middle, showing the style of the School.

The games are divided into two parts: individual events and collective events. The teachers and students of our School actively participated in more than 20 sports. They sweat their youth on the runway to meet challenges and surpass themselves. With their sweat and effort, they inspired the audience's cheers and applause. In the faculty games, teacher He Haoran won the fourth place in the men's Group B in the men's 1200m project. In the student team events, our School won the third place of 3v3 basketball bullfight, the fourth place of aerobics, the third place of Tai Chi, the fourth place of 30*150 meters, the third place of women's group 4*400 relay, the sixth place of men's group, the third place of 4*100 men's relay, the second place of volleyball passing mat, the first place of football shooting, the first place of 20m leapfrog relay, the fourth place in the 1 minute sit-up relay and the eighth place in the 30 meters planting harvest. In the individual event, Lin Qinxuan won the fourth place in the 100m race final, and Rao Xizhao and Zheng Yi won the first place and the sixth place respectively in the men's high jump. Zhang Zhengyu won the fourth place in the men's shot put. Zheng Yi and Rao Xizhao won the third and fourth place respectively in men's long jump, and Ma Jingjing won the third place in women's high jump.

On the afternoon of April 27, the 2024 School Sports Meeting came to a successful end. In this sports meeting, our School won the third place in the undergraduate group A group, and won the "Best Entry Award" and "Physical Health Excellence Award" and other several honorary titles. This sports meeting is not only a stage for teachers and staff to be active physically and mentally, enhance physical fitness, and enhance exchanges, but also a good opportunity to strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in the School, enrich the campus cultural life, and gather the centripetal force of teachers and students. We look forward to the athletes of our School in the coming year to carry on the past, continue the glory, and create new achievements!

Provided by School Trade Union

Edited by Li Tingting

Reviewed by Jiang Jie