The 2024 MBA Admission Launch Meeting Was Held
Time :2023-05-16

On May 7, 2023, the 2024 MBA Admission Launch meeting of BNUBS was held in Jingwen Lecture Hall.

Cui Xuegang, Associate Dean of BNUBS; Professor Gao Minghua, Director of the Research Center for Corporate Governance and Enterprise Development; Zhou Jianghua, Director of MBA Education Center and Case Center; Wang Lulu, Associate Director of MBA Education Center; Chen Xiaojuan and Tian Lu of MBA Admissions team and nearly 200 candidates from all walks of life attended the event.

The launch meeting was hosted by Guo Yaxin, an MBA student of the class of 2022. It is divided into five parts: "Into Beijing Normal University, into BNU Business School", "Multi-dimensional MBA Program of Beijing Normal University", "Master Course": "From Corporate Governance to ESG: The vane of Sustainable Development of Enterprises", 2024 MBA application, and lucky draw interaction.

Figure 1: The admission launch meeting

Associate Dean Cui Xuegang first expressed a warm welcome to the guests and candidates who came to the scene. He said that Beijing Normal University is a university with profound cultural heritage. At the same time, it shared the same fate with the country and has a strong red gene. BNUBS developed from the establishment of the Department of Economics in 1979. In 2007, Beijing Normal University obtained the MBA degree program authorization. In recent years, the School has made great progress in various undertakings, and is moving towards the goal of "First-class economic management school with profound cultural heritage and international influence". Deann Cui offered good wishes to the candidates on the scene: "Welcome to join the MBA family of Beijing Normal University, and jointly fulfill the sacred mission of" Promoting business and culture to serve the nation and the world by creating knowledge and developing talents. ".

Figure 2 Associate Dean Cui Xuegang introduced the general situation of BNU and BNUBS

Director Zhou Jianghua made a multi-dimensional introduction to the MBA program of Beijing Normal University. Starting from the characteristic specialty direction, he showed the rich learning life of the MBA in BNUBS from various aspects. In order to help candidates deepen their understanding, Director Zhou summarized the program characteristics of MBA in BNUBS. The first feature is: "The MBA not only has the essence of BNUBS but also has the inheritance of BNUBS, and integrates with the advantages of the School to form six characteristic directions." The second feature is: "Understanding not only China but also the world". He said that in the new era, more attention should be paid to whether Chinese enterprises can create a new commercial civilization with the help of Chinese culture and reach more cooperation with other economies around the world. He then put forward good expectations: "I hope what you can achieve in the MBA program in Beijing Normal University is to "make friends through literature, build benevolence with friends ", and become excellent entrepreneurs and excellent professional managers on the basis of being a decent Chinese citizen."

Figure 3 Director Zhou Jianghua introduced the MBA program of Beijing Normal University

In the open session of Master Class", Professor Gao Minghua first expressed a warm welcome to everyone's arrival, and then, he focused on the theme of "Corporate Governance to ESG:" The Wind Vane of Sustainable Development of Enterprises ", and emphasized the close relationship between ESG and high-quality development of companies. Professor Gao said: "ESG evaluation is the foundation of ESG information disclosure and ESG value investment."

Figure 4 Professor Gao Minghua lectured on the "Master Class" from Corporate Governance to ESG: The Vane of Sustainable Development of Enterprises

Wang Lulu, Associate Director, introduced in detail how to apply for the MBA program in BNUBS in 2024, including the application process, application methods, and interview arrangements in advance. Referring to the early interview for MBA in BNUBS, Wang Lulu stressed that the comprehensive qualities of candidates' learning motivation and career planning, education and career background, professional ethics and social responsibility, logical thinking and analytical ability are the concerns of quality student selection, and hoped that candidates can effectively use their time, prepare carefully, and actively apply for the exam.

Figure 5. Wang Lulu, Associate Director, introduced the application for 2024 MBA program of Beijing Normal University

After the meeting, candidates asked questions of their own concerns to Chen Xiaojuan, Tian Lu for detailed consultation. And, the 2024 MBA admission launch meeting of BNUBS was successfully concluded.

Provided by MBA Education Center

Edited by Tian Lu

Reviewed by Cui Xuegang