Teachers and Students of BNUBS Visited Microsoft Corporation
Time :2024-05-30

On the morning of May 28, 2024, BNUBS went to Microsoft for exchange activities. More than 20 people participated in the activity, including Dean Qi Yudong, Party Secretary Sun Zhijun, Party and government team members, department heads, teachers and students party branch secretary and teachers and students representatives.

First, Microsoft China Sales Manager Beth Guo shared Microsoft Copilot and its applications, decoding the business secrets of Microsoft Copilot's success. Now, generative AI is having a real impact on our economy and society, driving productivity gains while ushering in a new era of efficiency across industries. Microsoft's latest Copilot product provides intelligent, personalized services that can be used in a wide range of verticals such as education, retail, and finance to help enterprises improve work efficiency, reshape the work experience, and accelerate the development of new research areas.

Then, researcher Benny Zhao talked about "Reinventing Enterprise Productivity - Microsoft 365 Copilot". Combined with the application cases of the product, he vividly demonstrated its use scenarios and technical principles to the faculty and students, such as Microsoft 365 Copilot as an intelligent work assistant, which can write, read, optimize, translate and extract information. It plays an important role in simplifying financial decisions, improving marketing creativity, optimizing human resource recruitment and other work realities. The teachers and students at the meeting had in-depth exchanges on technology application prospects, product purchase and use, school-enterprise cooperation and other aspects.

Finally, the docents led the teachers and students of the School to visit the Microsoft China Center One exhibition hall, and combined with the visual language displayed by the intelligent screen of the exhibition hall, introduced the cutting-edge technological breakthroughs made by Microsoft in recent years, and the industrial layout of the company in artificial intelligence, cloud computing and mixed reality.The exhibition hall has a number of creative interactive scenes, vividly showing the specific application of future technology, including that teachers and students interacted with ChatGPT Hudon voice and felt the powerful computing understanding of Microsoft's big language model in the creation of wonderful stories and human-computer questions and answers; Teachers and students experienced the latest technology of Microsoft speech synthesis, and brought the "Diary of a Madman" fragment recitation in multiple languages; In the process of trying on Microsoft's self-developed Hololens holographic glasses, teachers and students experienced the sense of technology combined with the virtual digital world and real life scenes. The exhibition hall took the intelligent building management of the headquarters building as an example, and displayed real-time information such as air quality and equipment operation through real-time monitoring and automatic analysis system to achieve sustainable operation and optimal environmental control.

This visit activity enhanced the teachers and students' understanding of the multiple applications and development prospects of artificial intelligence. The School would open up innovative thinking, actively embrace the transformation of artificial intelligence, explore the integration of artificial intelligence and higher education, and contribute to the cultivation and development of new quality productivity!

Contributed by Party Committee Office

Edited by Shi Huiyi, Wang Jun

Reviewed by Jiang Jie, Sun Zhijun