Promoting the Accounting Practice Teaching in the Age of Numerical Intelligence, and Exploring the Practical Path of the Integration of Universities and Enterprises as well as Production and Education
Time :2024-03-15

In order to further promote the innovation of Accounting practice teaching and accounting education in the era of digital intelligence, on the morning of March 13, Wu Qinhong, Director of the Accounting Department, and teacher Li Yuxiao and teacher Zhang Haiyan of the practice teaching team, had an exchange and discussion with the visiting guests from the YonyouSeentao Science and Technology Teaching Service team. After the demonstration of the service practice teaching system and software system by the technology guests of YonyouSeentao, the two sides conducted friendly exchange on the practical teaching matters of the accounting major of BNUBS, sought and discussed possible cooperation projects in the future, and planned to conduct pilot cooperation projects in the form of cooperation projects in the primary school of this school year.

In the future, the two parties will further expand the cooperation space in the innovative application of Accounting and financial management under the background of digital intelligence, explore the innovative practice path of the integration of universities and enterprises, as well as production and education, enrich scientific research activities and case studies, develop teaching resources, carry out mobile classroom and professional practice activities, promote school-enterprise cooperation, innovate talent training models, and promote the innovative development of Accounting education.

Contributed byDepartment of Accounting

Edited by Zhang Haiyan and Wu Qinhong

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun