The Second Forum on "Digital Economy and High-quality Development of Enterprises" Was Successfully Held
Time :2023-11-02

On October 28-29, 2023, the second Forum on "Digital Economy and High-quality Development of Enterprises", organized by BNUBS,Economic Management Magazine, and Research Center for Dynamic Competition and Innovation Strategy, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, co-organized by the Research Center for International Business and Management, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai) and the Research Center for Finance and Finance, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was successfully held in Zhuhai Campus of Beijing Normal University.

With the theme of "Digital Economy Enables High-quality Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", the forum called on scholars to thoroughly implement and study the spirit of the Party's 20th Congress, explore the laws and paths of high-quality development of enterprises in the digital economy era, promote theoretical innovation in enterprise management and policy innovation in the digital economy era, and make useful contributions to promoting Chinese-style modernization. More than 200 experts, scholars, teachers and students representatives and business people from the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Tsinghua University, Central University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Jinan University and other universities across the country gathered at the Zhuhai campus of Beijing Normal University to participate in the discussion.

The forum included four parts: opening ceremony, keynote report, parallel sub-forum and enterprise visit. On the morning of October 28, Professor Zhang Pingdan, Associate Dean of BNUBS, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference. Wei Wei, Associate Party Secretary of Beijing Normal University and Party Secretary of Zhuhai Campus, and Qu Yongyi, Party Secretary of Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and deputy editor of Economic Management, delivered speeches respectively.

Wei Wei, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University and Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhuhai Campus, delivered a welcoming speech on behalf of the university, and warmly welcomed the guests, teachers and students. Deputy Secretary Wei Wei introduced the "one body and two wings" development pattern of Beijing Normal University based on the Beijing campus and Zhuhai campus, as well as the overall plan to accelerate the layout of data science, artificial intelligence, financial technology, digital economy and other disciplines in the future, and also hoped to promote the innovative development of economics, management and other disciplines through the integration of multiple disciplines. Contribute wisdom to the high-quality development of Chinese enterprises in the era of digital economy.

Wei Wei, Deputy Party Secretary of Beijing Normal University and Party Secretary of Zhuhai Campus

Qu Yongyi, Party Secretary, Associate Director of the Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and associate editor of Economic Management, delivered a speech on behalf of the Institute of Industrial Economics. Secretary Qu Yongyi introduced the development orientation of Economic Management and the main achievements made in the past two years, expressed gratitude to the organizers of the conference for their hard work, and hoped that experts and scholars would actively contribute wisdom around the high-quality development of digital economy enabling enterprises. Finally, Secretary Qu Yongyi, combining with the theme of this meeting, systematically elaborated the cloud for small and medium-sized enterprises and put forward relevant development suggestions.

Qu Yongyi, Party Secretary, Deputy Director, Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Deputy editor of Economic Management

The theme report of the conference was divided into two modules. The first unit is chaired by Zhou Wenbin, associate editor of Economic Management. Professor Qu Ting, Executive Director of the Management Committee of Zhuhai Campus of Jinan University and doctoral advisor of the School of Intelligent Science and Engineering, made a report entitled "Industrial Internet Technology and Application".Professor Qu Ting systematically introduced the supporting technologies of the industrial Internet (such as the Internet of Things, digital twins, industrial big data, blockchain, etc.) and their applications, and finally systematically summarized the architecture, functions, applications and restructuring effects of the industrial Internet in theory.

Xu Yongjun, Director of the Special Center of the Institute of Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a report entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the Transformation of Scientific Research Paradigm”. Starting from the historical logic of the evolution and change of scientific research paradigms in history, Xu Yongjun explained the impact logic of AI on scientific paradigms in the era of intelligence, and analyzed the application of artificial intelligence in programming, chip design, pharmaceutical, medical and other fields, providing a wonderful feast of artificial intelligence paradigm revolution for the participants.

Professor Li Jizhen, Associate Dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, made a report entitled "Academic Research and Challenges in the Era of Artificial Intelligence". Starting from the impact of artificial intelligence on academic research, Professor Li Jizhen analyzed the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence to academic research, and pointed out the possible research entry points in the future.

The second unit was presided over by Liu Jianli, associate editor and editorial director of Economic Management. Professor Xing Xiaoqiang of the University of International Business and Economics made a report entitled "Management Cognition, Business Model Evolution and Digital Industrialization Path". Professor Xing Xiaoqiang deconstructed the path of digital industrialization in the era of digital economy from a small incision. Taking Xiaotu Technology, a start-up enterprise in the film and television industry, as an example, he analyzed the internal logical process between manager cognition, business model evolution and digital industrialization in the development path of digital industrialization of digital start-ups.

Mr. Lu Qihang, Director of Government and Enterprise Solutions of COSMO Plat, made a report entitled "Industrial Internet Enables Digital Transformation of SMES". Combining the practice of COSMO Plat Industrial Internet platform, Mr. Lu Qihang explained the main challenges and practical difficulties of enterprise digital transformation, gave the "145" promotion framework of enterprise digital transformation, and systematically explained the process of Haier's own digital transformation.

The parallel sub-forum was divided into four topics: "Digital Economy Enables Innovation and Development of SMES", "Digital Economy Drives High-quality Development of Enterprises", "Digital Economy and Enterprise Capacity Reconstruction" and "Digital Economy and Enterprise Strategic Innovation". They were chaired by Zhou Jianghua, Associate Professor of BNUBS; Yang Shiwei, President of Economic Management Press; Yang Songling, Professor of School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Technology; and Zhang Min, Associate Professor and Director of Business Environment Research Center, Nanchang Normal University. Speakers of 31 papers were shared the latest research results around the theme of the forum, and review experts were also made wonderful comments.

On the morning of the 29th, the participants visited Kingsoft Software Park. The company introduced the development process, business scope and management concept of Kingsoft software, and interacted with the participants.

At this point, the second "Digital Economy and High-quality Development of Enterprises" thematic forum came to a successful end!

Provided byXu Xindi

Edited by Zhou Jianghua

Reviewed by Cai Hongbo