The School Held Practical Training on Workplace Etiquette for Administrative Teachers
Time :2023-10-23

On October 12, the School held a practical training on workplace etiquette for administrative teachers in the 9406 conference room of Jingshi Building. The lecture will be delivered by Ms. Guo Li, who is specially appointed by China Government Affairs Hall and has rich training experience in institutions and institutions. Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, first introduced the relevant professional background of the lecturer Guo Li, expecting teachers to master silent administrative communication skills through reception etiquette and image management training, show the best mental outlook and the most professional business ability in the work, and maintain and shape the good overall image of the School.

Guo Li started from the two aspects of teachers' personal brand image management and high-standard reception etiquette, combined with specific cases to lead teachers to personally feel the importance of teachers' workplace etiquette and related matters needing attention.

In the first half, Guo Li focused on teachers' personal brand image management to explain training. First of all, she illustrated the importance of teachers' personal brand image management with "The market changes with the image”, and introduced in detail the three key words of teachers' image building: aesthetic, discernability,and sense. Secondly, she invited the teachers present to personally go on the stage, mobilized the on-site learning atmosphere through interactive communication, and vividly explained to the teachers the key role of the three elements of "shape, color and quality" in the creation of personal style. Thirdly, according to the classification of dressing occasions, she led the teachers to recognize the characteristics and essentials of dressing for different occasions in a concise and vivid way. For example, professional dress should be solemn and competent, social dress should be elegant and charming, and casual dress can be comfortable and relaxed. Finally, starting with the three elements of style management, "sense of quantity, outline and form", Guo Li invited the teachers to judge and analyze their own characteristics, and the teachers had a clearer understanding of the characteristics and style of personal image.

In the second half, Guo Li combined with actual cases, focusing on the investigation (inspection) of high-standard reception etiquette on-site guidance. First of all, Guo Li invited the teachers to perform live in the form of a small theater to test the basic knowledge of reception etiquette. Secondly, she especially listed the detailed information that should be understood in advance when receiving the teachers, including the main purpose of the visitors, the schedule of the visitors, the number and identity of the visitors. Finally, she elaborated on the venue preparation, the principle of reciprocity, the guiding etiquette, and the last-round effect of polite delivery on the reception etiquette.

Through this training, the teachers not only learned the theoretical knowledge of external image management and image style building, but also came into contact with the shaping skills of internal cultivation. We believe that the teachers have a deeper understanding of their own personal image management and reception etiquette, and hope that the teachers can apply what they have learned and show the unique style of the teachers of BNUBS.

--Feelings of some teachers in the School

This training of workplace etiquette for college teachers has given me a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of personal image, dress code and workplace etiquette. The training was lively and interesting, and I benefited a lot from the teacher's explanation and on-site comments.

As college teachers, our personal image should be mature, confident and modest, so that we can better convey our professional and educational ideas. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the coordination of clothes, so that they present the best state.

In terms of etiquette in the workplace, the training allowed me to learn many details of etiquette. For example, I understand how to communicate with different levels of guests in a high-level reception.These details of etiquette not only reflect our professional quality, but also improve our work efficiency and the recognition of colleagues. Through the teacher's explanation and on-site comments, I not only learned the knowledge of workplace etiquette, but also mastered many practical skills. I believe that these knowledge and experience will have a positive impact on our future work and life, making us a better worker and a better life leader.

-- Wang Dan, International Certification Office

Ms. Guo's lecture was very systematic and comprehensive, starting with personal brand image management, which enabled us to systematically learn the influencing factors of professional dress from the three perspectives of "shape, color and quality". The on-site interaction was even more enthusiastic, making us deeply feel that "a change in image leads to a market". Secondly, it explained the etiquette and precautions for taking photos when receiving high standards, and gained a lot. Ms. Guo's lecture is lively and interesting. Through vivid examples and positive interactions, we understand the importance of workplace etiquette and have a comprehensive, systematic and detailed understanding of workplace etiquette. The mastery of these practical skills will be very helpful to our future work and life.

-- Li Lun, a double shoulder counselor

I participated in a series of training courses for administrative teachers' professional competence with the theme of "Workplace Etiquette for College Teachers" held in conference room 9406, Beijing Building on the afternoon of October 12.This training invited China Government Affairs Hall special tutor Guo Li. Ms Guo Li explained from the two aspects of "workplace dress" and "high-standard reception", and explained the key points of dressing on different occasions and the key points of high-standard reception etiquette norms through theoretical explanations and practical exercises. At the same time, I also had a deeper understanding of what style of workplace dress is suitable for my own image and temperament. This training is rich in content and clear in thinking, with both theoretical guidance and practical reference, which has benefited me a lot.

-- Meng Jia, MBA Education Center

Provided by School Office

Edited by Wang Wei

Reviewed by Han Lili