The Expert Forum of Professor Lin Guijun(Session 129) Was Successfully Held
Time :2024-07-05

On the afternoon of July 3, 2024, BNUBS held the successful 129th session of expert forum in Jingwen Lecture Hall. The keynote speaker of the lecture was Professor Lin Guijun, former Vice President of the University of International Business and Economics, Secretary-General of the National University International Trade Cooperation Group and Editor-in-Chief of International Trade Issues. Professor Wei Hao, Associate Dean of BNUBS, presided over the lecture. About 300 students and teachers from inside and outside the School attended the lecture.

The Scene

Professor Lin Guijun delivered a speech entitled "The Choice between Openness and National Security in the Changing Landscape". First of all, Professor Lin systematically sorted out the global risk events after the 2008 financial crisis, analyzed the decisive factors of the game between China and the United States by comparing the economic development strategies of the United States and China, and put forward corresponding ideas and measures to deal with them. Secondly, Professor Lin believed that geopolitics, economic globalization and scientific and technological revolution are the three key factors to promote the transformation of today's trade pattern, and accordingly put forward four possible future trade patterns: decoupling, exclusion, governance deficit and new cooperation mode, and summarized the characteristics of risk superposition in international trade pattern under various scenarios. Finally, Professor Lin stressed that we should attach great importance to the issue of national security, balance the two major issues of development and security, and actively expand the opening up, accelerate economic development, and improve their competitiveness at the same time. we should be good at using WTO rules, increase the cost of decoupling and other means to counter, so as to better safeguard national security.

Professor Lin Guijun, former Vice President of the University of Foreign Business and Economics and Secretary General of the National University International Trade Cooperation Group

Professor Lin's report was simple and profound, which aroused the teachers and students' interest in learning. The teachers and students actively asked questions, and had in-depth exchanges and discussions with Professor Lin Guijun on the Sino-US game, partial decoupling and other issues. Professor Lin Guijun patiently answered the relevant questions raised by the teachers and students, and the teachers and students gained a lot.

In the comment section, Professor Wei Hao expressed his thanks to Professor Lin Guijun for his wonderful lecture and summarized his speech. First of all, Professor Wei Hao pointed out that the issue of national security involves the research of various disciplines, and Professor Lin Guijun deeply analyzed the relationship between opening up and national security in the context of national security strategy, providing useful inspiration for the research topics of different disciplines. Secondly, Professor Wei Hao stressed that Professor Lin Guijun analyzed the current problems and challenges facing China's economic development from a global perspective, guiding everyone to look at China's rise from a comprehensive and objective foreign perspective, which also inspired us to be good at thinking about the impact of China's economic development from a global perspective when analyzing China's economic problems, and broaden our research horizons and ideas. Finally, Professor Wei Hao said that Professor Lin Guijun fully integrated his academic research into the process of national economic development, fully explained the feelings of an academic worker, and his academic spirit and life pursuit are worth learning.

Professor Wei Hao, Associate Dean of BNUBS

This lecture has broadened the participants' research horizons, enhanced their understanding of the external risks, challenges and opportunities facing China's economic development, deepened their understanding of the relationship between national development and security, and greatly helped to improve the scientific research and academic ability of teachers and students. BNUBS would continue to devote itself to holding high-quality forums in the future.

Edited by Liu Yuan, Sun Yue

Reviewed by Wei Hao