The School Carried out the Preliminary Assessment of Undergraduate Education Teaching Audit and Evaluation by External Experts
Time :2024-06-03

On May 31, 2024, BNUBS launched the preliminary assessment ofundergraduate education teaching audit and evaluation by external experts. The external expert group consists of Professor Ma Li, Associate Dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University; Associate Professor Gao Feng, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management; Professor Sun Wenkai, School of Economics, Renmin University of China; and Professor Cao Qiang, Director of the Audit Department, School of Accounting, Central University of Finance and Economics.Liu Yinan, Associate Director of the Quality Department of the Educational Affairs Department of Beijing Normal University, Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of the School, Jiang Jie, Associate Dean, Hu Conghui, Associate Dean and teachers from the Teaching Steering Committee and the undergraduate secretaries attended the meeting. The evaluation meeting was chaired by Associate Dean Jiang Jie.

First of all, Party Secretary Sun Zhijun warmly welcomed the experts on behalf of the School. Associate Dean Jiang Jie introduced the general situation of the School and discipline construction to the experts, and reported the self-evaluation and self-construction of the School from the aspects of undergraduate education concept, quality assurance ability, education and teaching level, existing problems, reasons and next steps.

Afterwards, the experts went into the Econometrics class to listen to the class, review the School self-evaluation report and consult the supporting materials. The expert group highly affirmed the preparatory work and undergraduate education and teaching work of our School, and put forward constructive suggestions for curriculum construction, personnel training and teachers.

The School will take this review and evaluation as an opportunity to further implement the fundamental task of cultivating virtues and talents, improve the quality of talent training, and promote the level of undergraduate education and teaching to a new level.

Contributed by Office of Undergraduate Affairs

Edited by Xu Xing

Reviewed by Jiang Jie