Message to all the teachers and students of BNUBS
Time :2022-05-19



Dear teachers and students:


Summer has come after Spring. However, we are facing another strike of Covid-19 pandemic. On May 12th, part of the areas of Beitaipingzhuang Street were taken under temporary control. In light of the serious situation, BNU also initiated the first-level prevention and control measures and a lockdown of the campus. In the face of the severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, teachers and students of BNUBS cooperated and united as one, resolutely implementing the national and capital epidemic prevention and control policies, and cooperating with the university's epidemic prevention and control measures.Here, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the teachers and students for their understanding, support and cooperation.


Currently, there are still infected people undiscovered in Beijing and the pandemic is getting closer to the campus. The southern part of the school is now under temporary control as more and more cases are confirmed around the school. We are at the most critical point in the battle against the pandemic and our top priorityshould be that we should make efforts to effectively block the spread of the epidemic. In order to win the battle against the epidemic, we need more patience and persistence to jointly protect the safety of our campus! Now we invite all teachers and students to:


1. Fully understand, actively respond to and fully cooperate with the school's epidemic prevention measures


We should conscientiously study and resolutely bear in mind the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on epidemic prevention and control, and strictly comply with the requirements and measures set by the work of the CPC Beijing Municipal Education Committee and the University on epidemic prevention and control on campus. According to the requirements, we should wear masks properly, pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid crowds and actively comply with the measure of body temperature, the check and scanning of health code and the maintenance of 1 meter in distance from others. All teachers and students of BNUBS should complete nucleic acid testsas required by the school and the community, complete "Daily Check" on WeChat in time, and pay attention to your personal health. During the special period, we hope all teachers and students can obey the rule and don’t order takeout or express delivery, and don’t pass goods "hand by hand" through the campus fence, so as to effectively prevent the risk of the epidemic. Here, we also would like to urge teachers and students who are qualified for the COVID-19 vaccines to get vaccinated as they should be. Also,after completing the three shots for six months, they should get a booster in time to build a more solid wall of health protection!


2. Have the courage to take responsibility, to contribute, and to set an example


During this outbreak, nearly 100 teachers and students of our School participated in the voluntary nucleic acid testing work of BNUS, contributing to the epidemic prevention and control of the campus. Here, we would also call on more teachers and students who are Party members to strengthen their political awareness, play an exemplary and leading role, actively participate in the volunteer service of epidemic prevention and control while doing a good job of their own protection, actively cater to the needs of teachers and students, carry on their responsibilities, and be the "pioneers" of epidemic prevention and control. We hope teachers and students will actively educate and guide their friends, relatives and students to correctly understand, actively cooperate and participate in epidemic prevention and control. With your joint efforts, we believe we will surely build a "safety barrier" for the prevention and control of the epidemic at Beijing Normal University.


3. Do practical work, continue steadily and ensure work and study are in order


The sudden outbreak of the virus has brought many inconvenience to our work, study and life, and the ever-lengthening battle line has inevitably brought fatigue and anxiety. However, the more critical the moment is, the more we should be vigil. Currently, all teaching work has been transferred online and is conducted according to the original teaching plan. We hope that all teachers and students of BNUBS will not be disrupted by the epidemic, and still can do a good job in online teaching, scientific research and administrative management during the special period. By earnestly completing the assigned learning tasks, you are promoting the steady development of the School. We believe the epidemic will end and life will return to normal!


Dear teachers and students, we are at the most critical period of fighting against the pandemic. However, the more difficult the situation is, the more determined we must be to finish what we started, and the more determined we must be to overcome difficulties.Nothing cannot be done under our united efforts. We believe that with the joint efforts of all the teachers and students, we will surely win the battle against the epidemic and build a Great Wall of epidemic prevention and control in the campus of BNU.


BNU Business School

May 19th, 2022