Party Secretary Cheng Jianping Participated in the Topic-based Learning Activities Organized by the Second Party Branch of Students Majoring in Economics
Time :2022-04-27




On the afternoon of April 27th, 2022, the Second Party Branch of Economics of BNUBS organized a topic-based learning activity. Cheng Jianping, Party Secretary of BNU, Sui Lulu, Minister of Student Affairs Department of theParty Committee of BNU, Li Jinzhong, Associate Director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of BNU and Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of BNUBS attended the activities. The activity was presided over by Guo Rui, Secretary of the second Party Branch.




In the topic learning part, Guo Rui delivered a speechthemed "Future Education for Digital Economy". First of all, he elaborated on the important discourses of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the development of digital economy and the main content of the national "14th Five-Year Plan" for the development of digital Economy. Then he sharedhis own views on the mutual influence mechanism between digital economy and education, the challenges brought by digital economy to current education, and the way that future education can do to make digital economy stronger, better and bigger.WeiYushi, GuanZhen, Zhang Jingqi, ZhangShutingand other branch party members shared their own feelings on different topics, including how "Internet + education" can boost the development of education in poverty-stricken areas, the reshaping of the allocation of labor element in digital economy, the influence on human resource demand of relevant industry caused by digital economy and how the young party members can develop digital economy thinking bear responsibility to promote the development of digital economy.







Cheng Jianping spoke highly of the activity.He shared the story of his own personal growth and put up expectations for the students in three aspects. First, the rapid development of digital economy is profoundly reshaping the world economy and the human society, students should have a deeper understanding of the development principle, development space and trend of digital economy, and combine their own professional knowledge learning with the development of the nation. Secondly, young students should bear in mind the expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping when he visited Renmin University of China on the goals of Chinese youth in the new era, which is to strictly follow the leadership of the party, grow to be stronger men that can carry the responsibility of the great rejuvenation of the nation and develop themselves according to the requirements of national development. Third, in the face of the complex and changeable situation at home and abroad, young students should listen more, see more, and constantly improve their ability in distinguishing between right and wrong. The Party Branch should create a suitable platform which is conduciveto the growth and development of students through flexible and diverse forms of activities.





SuiLulu praised the vertical setting of the Second Party Branch of Economics and the selection of the theme of party lessons. Meanwhile, she suggested that the branch could go deep into grassroots communities to establish a co-construction relationship, give full play to the professional advantages of party members to serve local social construction, and make efforts to build a party brand that could deeply integrate the disciplinary and professional characteristics of the School. Li Jinzhong further put forward specific requirements on the work of students, the way of setting up branch offices and the organization of activities. He also suggested that the organization of activities should be conducted from the perspectives of scientific research, interests, career planning and growth, focusing on the different concerns of students of different grades, and strengthening the friendship among undergraduates, postgraduates and doctors.






Provided by Party Branch

Edited by Wang Jun

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun