BNUBS Held a Seminar for Teachers and Students before the Winter Olympics
Time :2022-01-18


The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics are major landmark events at an important historical juncture in China and an important opportunity to show the country's image, promote the country's development and inspire the spirit of the nation. Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics have entered the final sprint and second counting stage. In this event, 31 students from BNUBS will become "burning snowflakes", contributing their youth strength on behalf of the university, the School and the Chinese youth!


In order to ensure the participation of students in the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, a teacher-student forum was held in conference Room 1722 of the rear main building on January 18, 2022.Qi Yudong, Dean of the School, Sun Zhijun, Secretary of the Party Committee, Ge Yuliang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Wang Jun, Chen Su attended the meeting.





First, Party Secretary Sun Zhijun gave a pep talk.He congratulated all the students for the participation in the work related to the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. He stressed that the students are not only representing themselves, the School, but also the university and Chinese youth. Therefore, he encouraged everyone to work hard and show the style and responsibility of the Chinese youth to the world. At the same time, Secretary Sun zhijun reminded everyone to pay attention to personal protection during the competition service, adjust the mentality and with meet the upcoming work with a warm attitude, excellent ability and happy mood.


Then, the students introduced themselves one by one.They introduced their service venues and business areas, and shared their joy to contribute to the Winter Olympics and Paralympics.  The leaders of the School had a cordial exchange with everyone immediately, paying attention to the volunteers and pacesetters' stay on campus, life during service and isolation, learning arrangements and the whereabouts of graduates, and introduced the course coordination, employment and guarantee work provided by the School for everyone.  In addition, the School will provide students with daily necessities such as washing cups, travel bags and makeup bags. During the quarantine period, students will also be provided with members of the video website, which will make them feel warm and relieved. 





Then, the volunteer representative introduced their job.Feng Zhiying, the volunteer representative in the field of media operation, introduced the overall arrangement of follow-up volunteer service to the school leaders. Zhao Jialiang, a volunteer representative in the field of anti-doping, briefly introduced the responsibilities of escorts. Wang Xiaolong, the volunteer representative of the event service field, briefly explained the spectator policy and event service work of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.All of them said that they would work with the most enthusiasm and the most professional service in their respective fields and positions with all their heart.    


Finally, Dean Qi Yudong made a concluding speech.He expressed his thanks and respect to all the students. In the special context of the "three Centenary", it is very fortunate to be a participant of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. But it also comes with great responsibilities. He hoped that all students could give full play to your initiative and devote yourself wholeheartedly to the Olympic and Paralympic Games as the host country and with the sense of ownership, so as to make contributions to the goal of hosting a "wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding" Olympic Games proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping. He said that the School will do its best to ensure everyone's safety and look forward to everyone's triumphant return.  






Students of BNUBS always breathe and share a common destiny with the Party and the country, whether it is the 70th anniversary of the National Day series of celebrations or the centenary of the founding of the Party series of celebrations, there are students of BNUBS making great contributions. Now, our students will go to the world's attention to this event of ice and snow and strive "Together for the future"!Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of the students in serving the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games!


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Provided by School Youth League

Edited by Wang Jun

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun