The Unity of Knowledge and Action and Interaction between University and Enterprise The First "Cloud Interview" Activity of MBA-- Into the 798 Art Zone was Successfully Ended
Time :2022-01-06




In order to build a high-quality and diversified platform for MBA students' career development activities, build an after-school practice platform for school-enterprise interaction and the integration of learning and practice, the "Cloud Interview" series of activities, hosted by MBA Education Center of Beijing Normal University and organized by MBA Entrepreneurship Club of Beijing Normal University, officially kicked off on December 30, 2021.


The first "Cloud Interview" activity was led by Zhou Jianghua and Yu Chen from MBA Education Center of Beijing Normal University. Jing Yasen, “Shop Discover”of Class P4, 2021, was the anchors. They guided the students to appreciate the 798 Art Zone, known as "the vane of Chinese modern and contemporary culture and art, cultural name card and representative of multicultural exhibition", by way of live broadcast explanation and interactive interview. During the visit, we also sorted out the development and brand positioning of 798. On that day, the highest popularity of the live broadcast of "Cloud Interview" reached 26,000, and it was pushed to the homepage of the website by B station. The effect of the activity exceeded expectations. 





After the visit to 798 Art Zone, the MBA students and teachers of Beijing Normal University interviewed the representatives of Seven Star Group, the management of 798 Art Zone. Li Xiaomei, Assistant General Manager of Seven Star Group, Liu Chen, Director of Cultural Industry Center, Wang Junhu, Vice Minister of war development Department, and Wang Baoqiang, Director of 798 Park attended the interview.


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In the interview, Representatives of Seven Star Group introduced the development process, management mode and current development challenges of 798 from an industrial park to an art landmark. The MBA students and teachers of Beijing Normal University had an in-depth exchange with the representatives of Seven Star Group on how to use 798 brand to develop cultural industry, promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and promote the promotion and dissemination of Chinese excellent culture. The atmosphere of "Cloud Interview" was warm and the interaction was frequent.


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BNU MBA "Cloud Interview" series activities, by relying on Internet technologies such as video and live broadcast, aim to let students to engage in deep communication with enterprises through online and offline, carry out experiential learning and interactive thinking, further broaden their horizons and enhance communication through cloud visiting activities, and improve the practical ability of MBA students to think and solve problems. The follow-up visits will be carried out according to the progress of teaching practice.



Provided by MBA Education Center

Edited by Li Sihan

Reviewed by Cui Xuegang