Teacher Li Kun Was Awarded the First Batch of Outstanding Cases of Ideological and Political Education in Undergraduate Courses by Guangdong Education Department
Time :2021-12-14


Recently, the Education Department of Guangdong Province announced the first batch of outstanding cases of ideological and political education in undergraduate courses. Teacher Li Kun of our School won the first batch of excellent cases of ideological and political courses of undergraduate universitiesby Guangdong Education Department for his work of “Creating an ideological and political mode forfinancial course with Chinese characteristic, broad vision and cultural connotation”.


Since 2020, Mr. Li Kun has been teaching the Finance Course in the basic course of the second degree of Accounting in Zhuhai Campus of Beijing Normal University. In the teaching process, he pays attention to teaching and educating people, and integrates ideological and political education into the teaching content, which is well received by students. 



Edited by Li Yuxiao

Reviewed by Cai Hongbo