The 4th Symposium on Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement Was Successfully Held
Time :2021-11-20

The 4th Symposium on Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement was successfully held online from November 20 to 21, 2021. This conference is co-sponsored by BNUBS and the School of Management of Xiamen University. The symposium was undertaken by Laboratory of Cognitive Neuromanagement, School of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University, and co-organized by Institute of Neural Management and Neural Engineering, Chinese Society of Management Science and Engineering, Beijing Feiyuxing Electronic Technology Co., LTD, and Shanghai Xinyi Electronic Technology Co., LTD. More than 100 delegates from more than 30 universities attended the meeting, including Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, Shandong University, Nanjing University, Nankai University, University of International Business and Economics, and Beijing Normal University. More than 15,000 people watched the live broadcast of the keynote report and sub-forum report on the two platforms of Brain Science and Fistar.       


The opening ceremony of the meeting was held on the morning of 20 November. Qi Yudong, Dean of BNUBS and Wu Xiangyun, Deputy Director of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Finance delivered speeches respectively. Dean Qi Yudong introduced the progress made in scientific research, disciplines and talent training of the School, and emphasized the significance of carrying out Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement research to scientific research, disciplines and talent training of the School under the background of digitalization. He also called on academic colleagues in all relevant fields to focus on the frontiers of the discipline, strengthen inter-university cooperation, produce more landmark achievements, and realize China's leading position in the world in this field as soon as possible. Wu Xiangyun conveyed the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and specific measures on promoting the innovation of accounting theory, strengthening the training of accounting personnel, promoting the development of Accounting. She especially emphasized the importance of advanced science and technology including brain science and technology to the development of accounting research and accounting practice. She admired the development of the research field of Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement and expressed that she would give continuous and support. She encouraged scholars to care for their country, strengthen the interdisciplinary communication, make more achievements in the academic field, and contribute to the development of theory and practice with Chinese characteristics in view of the major demand of the country and society for Accounting and Management.  



Dean Qi Yudong                       Deputy Director Wu Xiangyun


Subsequently, Professor PeterBassaerts of the university of Melbourne in Australia and the university of Cambridge in the UK, Professor Ye Hang, Zhejiang University, Professor Wan Xiaohong, Beijing Normal University,Professor Dai Weihui, Fudan University, Professor Chen Yasheng, Xiamen University, Professor Sheng Feng, Zhejiang University, Professor Li Jianbiao, Shandong University, Professor Xuegang Cui, Beijing Normal University, Teacher Tang Honghong, Beijing Normal University made keynote speeches respectively. Professor Hao Ying, Professor Liu Chao and Associate Professor Zhang Huili from Beijing Normal University hosted the keynote speech session respectively.      


Peter Bossaerts delivered a speech entitled "What Matters More for The Brain: Risk Or Reward? Starting from the recent development of artificial intelligence, he pointed out that unlike algorithms and artificial intelligence, which put risk in the secondary position in pursuit of maximization of decision utility, mental measurement of risk played a key role in human decision making. Economics assumed utility maximization only at the arithmetical level and ignored the processes and mechanisms by which the human brain weighed benefits and risks in decision making. At present, the algorithm and artificial intelligence technology cannot solve the perceptual decision of risk and return, so it was necessary to explore the perceptual decision mechanism of brain in risk measurement and risk-return balance by using neural technology and means, so as to further optimize the artificial intelligence algorithm. In the end, Professor Peter gave detailed answers and interactive communication to the questions of the participating scholars. Professor Ye Hang, a famous economist in China, delivered a keynote speech on the role of non-invasive brain stimulation technology in humanities and social science research. He distinguished the characteristics of brain imaging and brain stimulation technology and their different roles in research, emphasized the important function of brain stimulation technology for experimental manipulation and determining the causal relationship between variables, and shared the achievements of using brain stimulation technology at home and abroad and his own research experience. The topic of Professor Wan Xiaohong's lecture was "Neural Mechanisms of Confidence and Confirmation Bias in decision-making", which explored the Confidence Bias and Confirmation Bias in the decision-making process.  It demonstrated the information processing and neural mechanism of the brain in the process of decision making, and provided a theoretical and cognitive basis for decision correction. The topic of professor Dai's lecture is "Human-machine Hybrid Intelligence and Neural Management". He reviewed the theoretical evolution and practical development process of big data, artificial intelligence and human-machine hybrid intelligence, introduced the basic connotation, research methods and functions of neural management in human-machine hybrid intelligence, and showed the specific application scenarios and effects of neural management in epidemic prevention and control, supply chain upgrade and social media communication. The topic of Professor Chen Yasheng's speech is "Human Emotional Labor in the Era of Artificial Intelligence". He discussed the concept definition, research significance, research prospects and research methods of emotional labor, put forward the topic of emotional labor research, and pointed out that emotional labor was the core competitiveness of people in the ERA of AI, and also the labor dimension that enterprises needed to focus on management. Professor Sheng's lecture was entitled "Brain reading in eyes: Identifying loss aversion from Gaze allocation and Pupil change". He shared the explanation of behavioral and brain explanations for loss aversion. He used eye movement experiment and DDM model to identify a variety of loss aversion participants from two dimensions of valuation preference and response preference, and two effects of valuation preference and response preference were successfully separated, and a model was established to measure these two effects. In view of investors' irrational behavior -- disposal effect, Professor Li Jianbiao proposed a brain stimulation method to test self-control effect on the basis of combing self-control theory, and applied to the study of the causal relationship between self-control and disposal effect to detect the brain stimulation correction method of financial investment decision bias and its evidence. Tang Honghong discussed how third-party punishment can promote consensus among people with different opinions, shared experimental methods and summarized the specific factors that affect consensus. Professor Cui Xuegang introduced the behavioral bias in corporate financial decisions and its impact on corporate value and national systemic financial risks. And From the perspective of brain processing information and information affecting belief, he revealed the mechanism behind it, and put forward the correction mechanism, behavior and system scheme of corporate financial decision based on the existing research. The splendid keynote speeches were highly appraised by the delegates, who all said that they had gained a lot and broadened their research horizon greatly.  



Professor Peter Bossaerts                     Professor Ye Hang



Professor Wan Xiaohong                     Professor Dai Weihui



Professor Chen Yasheng                      Professor Sheng Feng



Professor Li Jianbiao                          Tang Honghong



Professor Cui Xuegang                             Professor Hao Ying



Professor Liu Chao



The four sub-forums were held under the four themes of "Accounting and Finance", "Cognition, Emotion and Learning", "Enterprise Management and Control", and "Psychological Errors and Decision-making Behavior". The paper authors, selected through a rigorous review process, had a lively discussion with the carefully arranged reviewers. They carried out in-depth discussions on the paper's blind spots and limitations, and provided many constructive suggestions for revision.




Sub-forum discussion


We invited Xie Qian, Associate Director of Economic Research , Han Bin, Editor of Management World , and Li Rengui, Associate Director of Economic Trends , Liu Guoqiang, Director of Accounting Research , Liu Jianli, Director of Economic Management , Wang Yanmei, Director of China Industrial Economics , Cheng Xinsheng, Professional Editor of  Nankai Management Review . They introduced the characteristics, requirements, review standards, new trends and key areas of concern of each journal. They all stressed that to make world-class research in China, more emphasis should be placed on theory, ideology and innovation. On the basis of strengthening research norms, research methods, data and models should serve the research objectives.       


Xie Qian,  Economic Research              Han Bin, Management World



Li Rengui,  Economic Trends             Liu Guoqiang, Accounting Research



Liu Jianli,  Economic Management    Wang Yanmei, China Industrial Economics


Cheng Xinsheng, Nankai Management Review    The host, Zhang Huili


The keynote speech of this forum focused more on the research of decision bias and bias correction mechanism, and paid more attention to the research orientation of intelligent algorithm development based on neural mechanism. The interdisciplinary exchange of conference papers was intense, and the research field of neuroaccounting and neuromanagement has received continuous attention and guidance from industry authorities and academic journals. The participants all expressed that they enjoyed an academic feast, improved their research cognition and ability, and were greatly encouraged. The Fourth Symposium on Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement came to a close with warm applause.   


Provided by Xu Shengyi Huang Jingya

Edited by Tang Honghong

Reviewed by Cai Hongbo