The 2021 Conference Of Experimental Economics Of Beijing Normal University Was Successfully Held
Time :2021-10-23


From October 23th to 24th, 2021, the Conference of Experimental Economics of Beijing Normal University, sponsored by the BNU Business School, was  held at 9406, 9407 and 9408, Jingshi Building, and broadcasted online at Tencent Conference. The forum attracted more than 70 participants from Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, Shandong University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and many other domestic universities, including more than 30 first-class experts and scholars in the field of experimental economics and nearly 40 young teachers and graduate students from all over the country. The on-site participants held academic exchanges and discussions with more than 40 online participants.



A group photo of the guests


The conference was convened and organized by Prof. He Haoran and Prof. Zhang Boyu, co-directors of the Game Decision and Behavior Research Center, BNUBS. Before the conference, Prof. Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of BNUBS, delivered a speech to welcome all the scholars. Sun Zhijun introduced the discipline construction, teaching development and other aspects, and introduced the development history of Conference of Experimental Economics Beijing Normal University in detail. He pointed out that the current development of experimental economics is good as experimental methods closely linked to the forefront of academic and experimental economics academic forum provided a good academic exchange platform for scholars in various universities. He hoped to strengthen exchanges among scholars by organizing more high-quality academic activities and congratulated the forum on its successful opening.


Professor Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary, delivered a speech


Professor He Haoran presided over the conference


Professor Zhang Boyu presided over the conference


The forum was divided into the main venue and two parallel venues. Thirty-two scholars present their papers and broadcast them online. The present papers covered neuroeconomics and neuroexperiments, non-parametric measurement of risk attitudes, exogenous shocks, network structure and systemic risk, national composition and competitive tendency, gender differences in overconfidence, social relations and human capital in vocational training, etc. The participants had an in-depth exchange on the papers presented by the speakers, and the discussion was lively. The convening of this forum would help strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between the BNUBS and  universities at home and abroad, and promote the development of behavioral and experimental economics in China.


Professor Ye Hang, School of Economics, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics


Zhao Lin, Professor at the Big Data Research Institute of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics



Professor Yang Xiaolan, School of International Business Administration, Shanghai International Studies University



Chen Yefeng, Associate professor, School of Economics, Zhejiang University



He Simin, Associate professor, School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics



Professor Jiang Shuguang, Institute of Economics, Shandong University



Dong Lu, Associate professor, Zerten Economics Laboratory, Nanjing Audit University



Li Jingjing, Associate professor, Shenzhen Nantes Business School, Shenzhen University



Wang Minda, Teacher of School of Economics and Management, Southeast University       




Zou Wenbo, National Economic and Strategic Research Institute, Nankai University



Wei Lijia, professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University



Han Yi, Teacher of School of Applied Economics, Renmin University of China



Assistant Professor Bao Zhengyang, Yanan Wang Economic Research Institute, Xiamen University



Zhu Min, Associate professor, BNUBS



Chen Xiu, Assistant Researcher, Business School, Southern University of Science and Technology



Zhang Meng, School of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University



Li Shuwen, Assistant Professor at Antai School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University



Wang Xinghua, Teacher of Business School, Southern University of Science and Technology



Wang Tong, Associate professor of Advanced Economic Research Institute of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics



Professor Wang Jianxin, School of Computer Science, Central South University



Teacher Li Yushen, Ji 'nan University Industrial Economics Institute



Teacher Ding Yuli, School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University



Gong Binglin, Faculty of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, East China Normal University



Zhang Xiumei, School of International Business Administration, Shanghai International Studies University



Yang Xue, School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou University



Xu Zhibo, School of Fintech, Shenzhen University



Zhang Shuhuai, Tsinghua University Wudaokou School of Finance



Zhang Xiaomeng, Teacher of Zerteng Laboratory, Nanjing Audit University



Meng Jingyi, Teacher of Nankai University School of Economics



Ma Ruiwen, School of Finance, Renmin University of China



Che Dongsheng, Wang Yanan Economic Research Institute, Xiamen University



Yang Shuo, Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University


Questions from the attendees



Heated discussion of scholars



The attending scholars listened to the thesis report carefully


Provided by Xia Jingwen

Edited by He Haoran

Reviewed by Cai Hongbo