Professor Wei Hao Won The 6th National Education Science Outstanding Achievement Award
Time :2021-09-28

On the morning of September 28th, the 6th National Education Science Research Outstanding Achievement Award Ceremony was held in Beijing Convention Center.


Minister Huai Jinpeng, Secretary of the Leading Party Group of the Ministry of Education, delivered a speech by video, and Weng Tiehui, Vice Minister and Member of the Leading Party Group of the Ministry of Education attended the meeting.


Huai Jinpeng pointed out that educational scientific research is an important part of education. Attaching importance to and strengthening scientific research in education is a necessary requirement for upholding the Party's theoretical character and implementing that science and technology are the primary productive forces. It is also a necessary requirement to explore the law of education and the law of talent growth, promote the reform and development of education, and promote the modernization of education governance system and capacity.


Education and research workers across the country should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, be armed with scientific theories, stand firm with the people, and take root in education and scientific research in China, centering on the fundamental task of fostering morality and cultivating people, Huai said. We should be mindful of the "greatness of the country", further focus on the country's major strategic needs, study real problems, discover laws, and promote high-quality development of education. We should enhance our research capacity, draw nourishment and strength from the fine traditional Chinese culture, be good at learning from the advanced educational concepts and experience of developed countries, and have the courage to put forward new theories and achieve new breakthroughs. We should carry forward the fine style of study, stress academic character, adhere to the integrity of scientific research, and preserve the integrity of academic ecology. We should speed up the establishment of a discipline, academic system and discourse system of education with Chinese characteristics, style, and make new and greater contributions to building China into a powerful country in education, accelerating its modernization, and providing education that satisfies the people.


The National Award for Outstanding Achievements in Educational Science is selected every five years, and the sixth National Award for Outstanding Achievements in Educational Science research has selected a total of 344 award-winning achievements. Beijing Normal University has won 45 awards for its research achievements, ranking first in China. Among them, 6 first prizes (about 1/4 of the total number of first prizes), 19 second prizes, 20 third prizes, the number of first, second and third prizes ranked first in China. Professor Wei Hao won the second prize of the 6th National Education And Science Outstanding Achievement Award for his paper "Research on the Factors influencing China's Attracting International Students to China -- An empirical analysis based on bilateral data between China and 172 countries around the world" .


Gu Mingyuan, Du Yuhong, Wei Hao and other nearly 20 winners from Beijing Normal University attended the awards conference, and Mr. Gu Mingyuan made a speech as the representative of the winners.Vice President Zhou Zuoyu and related comrades of the Scientific Research Institute attended the meeting.



Mr. Gu Mingyuan spoke as the representative of the winner



A group photo of Vice President Zhou Zuoyu and attendees


Award List of Beijing Normal University


Provided by Discipline Research Office

Edited by Sun Yue

Reviewed by Cai Hongbo