The Accounting Department Held A Seminar For Retired The Teacher Yuan Liansheng
Time :2021-09-28

In the golden autumn of September, with rich perfume of osmanthus blossoms, the retirement seminar of Mr. Yuan Liansheng from Accounting Department was held at 1722 in the rear main building as scheduled.


On behalf of the faculty and students of the Accounting Department, Ms. Wu Qinhong, head of the Accounting Department, presented Mr. Yuan with flowers and a customized retirement souvenir to express her sincere gratitude to Mr. Yuan for his years of hard work and selfless dedication in the Accounting Department. Mr. Yuan is the first teacher to retire from the Department of Accounting. He is not only one of the earliest initiators of the Department of Accounting, but also the main promoter and historical witness of the development and growth of this basic teaching and research unit. Mr. Wu reviewed the days when he fought with Mr. Yuan in the early stage of the construction of the Accounting Department and the subsequent progress, and paid high tribute to Mr. Yuan for her persistent support to the Accounting Department over the past 20 years. On behalf of the aAccounting Department, Ms. Wu wished Mr. Yuan good health and a new chapter of his life. She hoped that Mr. Yuan would continue to care about the work of the Accounting Department after retirement and come back home often to contribute intelligence and escort to the development of the Accounting department and the accounting discipline.




Ms. Li Yuxiao, secretary of the Party Branch of the Accounting Department, affectionately recalled the burning of passion in the early days of working with Mr. Yuan Liansheng in the establishment of the department. Her eloquence revealed to us a virtuous scholar with a pure heart, who persevered in the way of "learning to be a teacher and behaving as a model of the world". As the founding father of the Accounting Department, Mr. Yuan not only always cares about the development of the accounting department, but also is generous and kind, and constantly brings forward the future generations. He is a role model for the younger generation, and also the source of the cultural gene of "accounting family". All the teachers of the Accounting Department participated in this activity. In such a scene, everyone was deeply affected, thinking about the little things they had worked with Teacher Yuan, and expressing their sincere gratitude to Teacher Yuan and their wishes for the life after retirement.


In the end, Mr. Yuan gave his retirement speech. He shared his experience of working in the accounting department for many years, expressed his love for the work in the accounting Department and his affection for colleagues. He also had high hopes for the future development of the accounting Department and wished the Accounting Department a better future.



The forum was warm, and the pictures of various activities held by the Accounting Department in the past 20 years were played on the computer screen, as well as the pleasant historical moments of teachers working together. The background music of "Loving Each other and One Family" not only fit the theme of this activity, expressing the unremittingly feeling of Mr Yuan, but also firmly carried forward the main theme of the organizational culture of the Accounting Department, just like the cultural gene of keeping up with the times, innovation and harmonious development of the organization.


All the past is just an opening; Mountains are high and rivers are long. We wish Mr. Yuan a new chapter in his life and a good happy time.


Provided by Accounting Department

Edited by Zhang Haiyan, Yang Dan

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun