BNUBS Held the Work Meeting of Headteachers for the Autumn Semester of 2021-2022
Time :2021-09-15

In order to better meet the challenges of the new semester and do a good job in student work, the Party Committee of BNUBS held the new semester head teachers' meeting at 9406 in Jingshi Building at 14:00 on September 15th. The meeting was presided over by Ge Yuliang, Associate Party Secretary of BNUBS. All the headteachers from Beijing campus and Zhuhai Campus attended the meeting.



First of all, Ge Yuliang organized all the headteachers to study relevant documents about strengthening students' mental health. Ge Yuliang explained the important content of the document to the head teachers in accordance with the school safety work spirit, and introduced the disposal of emergency crisis and matters needing attention in detail based on previous cases, conveying the school's important spirit of earnestly doing a good job in security and stability.



Ge Yuliang said that the head teacher must pay attention to the students, especially the mental health of students, do a good job of in-depth counseling, and record timely in-depth counseling manual records. At the same time, Ge Yuliang pointed out that daily early warning and prevention should be strengthened. The head teacher should contact the students every month, visit the dormitory regularly, conduct in-depth interviews, and timely guide the students who are in trouble.



In addition to the suggestions on mental health, Ge Yuliang also pointed out the importance of physical exercise, and suggested that the head teacher remind students of the impact of sports clocking on scholarships and postgraduate studies, and encourage students to actively participate in physical exercise. In addition, Ge Yuliang also reminded the  teachers to pay more attention to other security issues, such as telecom fraud, security problems of student gatherings, dormitory security hidden trouble investigation, and arranged a safe and stable theme class meeting.


Then, Teacher Chang Xinyang, Teacher Chen Su, Teacher Lan Rujia,Teacher Gao Jingjing and Teacher Han Lili introduced their work and the main points that need to be paid attention to in the near future.


In the end, the headteachers actively discussed and communicated with Ge Yuliang, and Ge answered the questions raised by the teachers in detail.




Provided by Party Committee Office

Edited by Chang Xinyang

Reviewed by Ge Yuliang