Teachers And Students from Finance Department of BNUBS Visited Jingxin School
Time :2021-06-30

In order to better integrate finance education with social practice and let students have a more intuitive understanding of the cutting-edge trends in the financial industry, on June 30, 2021, under the leadership of Hu Haifeng, Director of Finance Department, Jiang Jie, Director of Fintech Project, Chen Su, Class Teacher of 2019 finance students and Lan Rujia, Class Teacher of 2019 finance students, about 80 students from the finance class of 2019, finance class of 2020 and fintech class of 2020 came to Investor Education Base of China Securities Co., Ltd -- Jingxin School to visit and study.



CITIC Securities, CICC Securities and China Securities Co., Ltd ranked the top three in China by investment banking revenue in 2020. Established by China Securities Co., Ltd in 2017, Jingxin School is the second batch of national securities and futures investor education base named by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).


This practical activity mainly includes two parts: attending a lecture and visiting the base. First, in the Expert Lecture of Knowledge Teaching Platform of Jingxin School,  Zhao Jibing, Vice President of Investment Banking Department and sponsor representative of CITIC Jiantou Securities, gave a lecture entitled "Focus and Professional skills in Investment Bank Due Diligence Work".  In the lecture, Teacher Zhao Jibing taught the students the relevant knowledge of investment banking and the future career choice in a simple way. In the exchange and interaction part, everyone enthusiastically asked questions and teachers carefully solved their doubts which gave so much to the students.



Later, Li Qiang, Vice President of Legal Compliance Department of CITIC Jiantou Securities and Head of Jingxin School led the students to visit and learn the development history of China's securities center and the early forms of securities. Through the understanding of the history of Chinese securities, students felt the reform and development of China's financial industry, and had a deeper understanding of the financial discipline.



Finally, the students went to the office area adjacent to Jingxin School, and under the guidance of the teacher, the students visited the actual work of the securities company. The unique teaching form enabled the students to feel the working environment and the work of the securities staff closely, which has unveiled the mysterious veil of financial work, and enabled the students to have a clearer understanding of financial work.


Through this activity, students expressed that it was a rare learning experience to intuitively understand the top investment banks in China. Finance is one of the most important core competitiveness of a country. Standing at the historical intersection of the "two centenary", China is striding forward on the road from a financial power to a financial power. The majority of young students will forge ahead with them and write splendid chapters of their country and life.



Thoughts from the visiting:

It has been four years since I first came here. It is familiar but my mind is quite different from the last time. Zhao Jibing's lecture on bank due diligence left a deep impression on me. When it comes to career choice, he said that only by doing what you like and are suitable for, can we achieve results in the industry, and we should abandon utilitarian comparison. When you are not in the industry, you will see the mountain as a mountain; but when you step in the industry, you will feel that a mountain is not a mountain; but in the end, when you are an expert, it will return to the first scenario.

-- Li Qiuyuan, Finance Class of 2019


Through lectures and on-site visits, I have a further understanding of investment banking, and at the same time, I am more aware of the need to steadily accumulate knowledge, broaden my horizon, and make a wise choice of career path in undergraduate study.

-- Zhang Xueqi, Finance class of 2020


I have gained a lot in this trip. First of all, I had only heard about the relevant aspects of the securities investment bank before, but never really visited or had a deep understanding of it. This activity gave me such a precious opportunity to get close to the staff and working environment of the investment bank. Secondly, in the beginning of the lecture, what I gained the most was that the teacher told us how to choose our own work. We need to carefully plan our own life and employment direction according to our own situation, combined with the needs of the country and the market, to realize the dual realization of self-value and social value! At the same time, they also led us to visit the company and explain the historical process of domestic and foreign securities trading exhibition, the development of securities trading after China's reform and opening up. I have benefited a lot from the rich contents of this visit. We are very grateful to the teachers of BNUBS for giving us this opportunity to have close contact with investment banks. Thank you!

-- Ma Yongqin, the class of 2020 fintech class


Provided by Finance Department