The Faculty And Students of BNUBS Successfully Completed a Series of Activities to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China
Time :2021-07-01

In a series of activities celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, more than 30 teachers and students from BNUBS attended the square chorus, the dedication group, the volunteer service team, the student phalanx and The Great Journey student chorus performance in national stadium as well as other special work. Our students trained hard and showed dedication, bringing the good spirit of BNUBS to life.


Since March 29th, the teachers and students of our college have successfully completed the five training stages of integration training, haidian district training, security training, overall joint training and intensive sprint training, with the training duration of nearly 200 hours per person.


Our teachers and students also performed well in volunteer service. At many service points in the Forbidden City, arrow pavilion and other areas, they provided guidance and order maintenance services to the viewing masses, showing the volunteer spirit of dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress. The students of our volunteer team successively completed the all-dimensional, multi-dimensional and high-intensity training tasks organized by the school, such as mobilization ice-breaking, general training, on-the-job training, field survey, and whole manoeuvre. The training lasted about 100 hours per person.


Our school selected 7 students to join the interactive chorus team of our university, and the singing of red songs of our students flew over Bird's Nest Stadium. From the end of May to the end of June, the students of our school actively participated in the training and rehearsal of the artistic performance. By The end of June 14, we had carried out 13 on-campus practice sessions, totaling more than 40 hours. From June 15th to 28th, they participated in 7 rehearsals and formal performances successively. Within 2 weeks, they received nearly 100 hours of intensive training per person. Under the scorching sun, they still sticked to their post with full enthusiasm, which attracted thunderous applause, loud singing and overwhelming power.


A group of the square chorus in the Celebration


A group photo of the square chorus and the dedication group in the Celebration


A group photo of the volunteer in the Celebration


A group photo of the student phalanx in the Celebration


A group photo of the chorus in the artistic performance in the Celebration


Thoughts of the participating students:

I participated in the chorus in the celebration of the centenary of the founding of the Party. I was proud to stand in front of Tian 'anmen and celebrate the party's birthday with my own songs, expressing my love and reverence for the Party. In order to achieve the desired effect, we need to pay extra efforts for the chorus of three thousand people. So you would always see teachers and students working busy under the hot sun and late at night. But when I stood in front of the tower, when the music and singing sounded at the moment, all the fatigue was swept away, all the efforts and efforts have been rewarded, the excitement and pride in my heart was beyond words, which can only be expressed by countless cheers, countless tears in my eyes. Now I can be very proud to say: I am in the 100th founding of the CPC and I wish the great Communist Party of China happy birthday!-- Li Zegen, member of Chorus of Celebration

On this day, we stood in Tian 'anmen Square, and put our hearts close to the heart of our motherland. We are so fortunate, so moved and so thankful for living in such a golden age. I am very happy and honored to be a member of the Celebration. At such a glorious historical moment of the centenary of the founding of the Party, I have worked hard with many lovely partners, gained happiness and gained too many beautiful memories. We have had to get up at four o 'clock in the morning and returned late at three o 'clock in the morning. Even though there are tired moments, seeing the healing smiles of teachers and students at the school gate, the roses handed to ud and the flashing lights of Normal University, you would sweep away all your tiredness and feel like you are back at home. I would never forget the efforts and hardships in the three months, I believe it would become our youth picture on the most gorgeous one!-- Fan Ying Tang, the dedication team for the Celebration

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and I have the honor to join the volunteer team.As volunteers, we do small but crucial tasks, such as guiding guests to the entrance and guiding cars. I think we're like the lubricant of the campaign, making sure everything is connected and running smoothly. As the teacher said in the training, volunteers should integrate knowledge and action. Not only do you know what to do in a given situation, but you do it now. we should carry with a high sense of responsibility and rigorous practical spirit to do every very detailed things.

In this process, I am also very grateful for the material and spiritual support given to us by the school, teachers and senior students. It is their dedication that enables me to pass on this spirit of volunteerism and love to more people. I am grateful to have such an experience, and I sincerely hope that we can keep our love for volunteer and make unremitting efforts!-- Zhang Kexin, volunteer of the Celebration


It is my special honor to be a member of the student choir to participate in The Great Journey performance celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. After many rehearsals, many lines of the performance have been deeply engraved in the minds of the students, but the students are still enthusiastic. With high morale and full of emotion, our applause and songs reverberated in the sky of the National Stadium. On this magnificent evening, we remember and celebrate the heroes of the people. We study and carry forward the great spirit formed in the great process of uniting and leading the Chinese people in a century of struggle. We are gathered together to celebrate the party's one hundred birthday and feel proud of being a glorious Communist party member! As the young generation, we will remain true to our centennial mission and continue to forge ahead.-- Liu Songyue, member of student chorus of artistic performance of the Celebration

It is my great honor to attend the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Set out at zero o 'clock in the morning, through chang 'an Avenue, we came to the tian 'anmen Square in the morning, feeling the solemnness and holiness of Tian 'anmen Square. My heart was pounding! The gun saluted, the national flag raised and the red songs song! General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech is resounding across the world and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, giving us inmatchless power. Generations of Communists led the Chinese people to victory in the revolution under fire, to build a new China under the red flag, and to make remarkable achievements in development with their hard work. As a member of the Communist Party of China, I feel proud, but also feel that we have their own responsibility, to fight, to work hard, to contribute to the construction of the Party and the country!-- Zhao Jialiang, member of the phalanx of the Celebration


Provided by Liu Songyue

Photos by BNUBS, BNU Youth League Committee, Student Affairs Department of Party Committee