The 7th Undergraduate Academic Forum of Our School Was Successfully Held
Time :2021-07-02

The 7th Undergraduate Academic Forum of BNUBS was held in Jingwen Hall on July 2nd. This year's undergraduate academic forum received a total of 63 papers submitted by undergraduate students, among which 24 papers were selected into the sub-forum after preliminary evaluation by experts, and 6 papers were finally entered into the main forum. In the exhibition, Cai Zilong, Feng Jian, Xiang Yuxuan, Xie Jiaqi, Wang Zifan and Cheng Yunke introduced their topic selections and backgrounds of their papers respectively, and systematically explained the research methods, conclusions and significance. They performed well and wonderful. These papers covered a wide range of topics, used rich and diverse research methods, and had strong practical and theoretical significance. Party Secretary Sun Zhijun, Teacher Yang Chengyu, Teacher Hao Rubin and Teacher Xu Minbo made detailed comments on the selected papers in the main forum. By voting, we had one paper for first prize, five papers for second prize and 6 papers for third prize.



Qu Ruxiao, Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of the College, Associate Dean Cai Hongbo, Wu Qinhong, Xu Zhixing, Chen Su and other teachers attended the main forum. Xu Minbo, Associate Dean of Economics Department, presided over the main forum. Zhang Pingan, Associate Dean, made a summary of the undergraduate academic forum. The sub-forum was held on June 25. Teacher shen Chang 'e, Teacher Li You, Teacher Liu Zeyun, Teacher Sun Yunchuan, Teacher Xu Minbo, Teacher Liu Pan, Teacher Li Kun, Teacher Li Yanan, Teacher Cao Siwei and other teachers acted as judges and asked questions and commented on the reports of 24 groups of students.


Figure 1: Commenting part for the Main Forum 


The Undergraduate Academic Forum of BNUBS aims to approach the academic field, consolidate the foundation, broaden the horizon and explore the frontier, to promote the continuous improvement of undergraduate teaching level, training quality and innovation ability, stimulate the enthusiasm of undergraduate academic research, broaden the academic horizon, and form a good study and research atmosphere.


Figure 2: The 7th Undergraduate Academic Forum was successfully completed


Provided by Undergraduate Academic Affairs