BNUBS Held Seminars for Teachers to Engage in Theoretical Learning and Share Opinions on Relevant Documents
Time :2021-07-01

On June 18th and July 1st , 2021, BNUBS held two seminars for teachers' theoretical study and soliciting opinions on relevant documents in conference Room 1722 of the rear main building. Members of the party group, department heads, party branch secretaries, trade union representatives, as well as teachers' representatives of teaching and scientific research posts attended the meeting. The conference carefully studied the relevant documents of teachers' ethics, and widely solicited the opinions and suggestions of the participating teachers on the promotion of teaching and scientific research posts, the annual assessment of teaching and scientific research posts and other relevant regulations and rules. Party Secretary Sun Zhijun presided over the meeting.


Sun zhijun stressed the importance of carrying out theoretical learning and ethics education for teachers. And combined with the spirit of the school's Measures for Handling Teachers' Violations of Ethics and other documents, he introduced the list of behaviors violating teachers' ethics and the treatment methods.


Cai Hongbo, Associate Dean, and Zhang Pingan, Associate Dean, introduced the core provisions of the Administrative Measures for Promotion of Teaching and Scientific Research Posts of Beijing Normal Universit y (No. [2020]19) and the Annual Assessment Measures for Teaching and Scientific Research Posts of Beijing Normal University (Interim) (No. [2021]23) respectively. They explained in detail the reform ideas of the promotion management and annual assessment of teaching and scientific research posts of the university, and the specific requirements of the university for the school to formulate the implementation rules and annual assessment plan for the promotion of teaching and scientific research posts.


The participating teachers had a heated discussion on how to stick to the bottom line of ethics and establish a good teaching style. It was agreed that teachers should take talent training as the central task, stick to the bottom line of teachers' ethics, consciously strengthen theoretical study, constantly improve themselves, conform to the development trend of the times, and contribute to the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents and the construction of first-class BNUBS.


In view of the specific issues in the two documents, the participating teachers expressed their opinions freely. On the basis of building consensus, the school will formulate the Implementation Rules for Promotion of Teaching and Research Positions and the Annual Assessment Plan for Teaching and Research Positions as soon as possible, laying a sound institutional foundation for promoting the development of the school.



Provided by the School Office