Business School of CUPL Came to Our School for Investigation and Exchange
Time :2021-06-23

On June 23rd, Professor Li Xinyu, Party Secretary of Business School of CUPL, together with 7 other teachers, came to our school for investigation and exchange. Professor Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of the School, receive the guests with great enthusiasm. Associate Dean Cai Hongbo, Jiang Jie, Director of Fintech Program, Tong Luqiong, Associate Director of Department of Enterprise Management, Chang Xinyang, Secretary of the Youth League Committee and teachers in the School Office attended the meeting.


On behalf of the school, Mr. Sun zhijun extended a warm welcome to the business school delegation. Then he briefly introduced the discipline construction, teaching staff, personnel training and other aspects, and focused on the discipline setting, the construction of top-notch talent base, teachers' scientific research achievements and other issues.



Professor Li Xinyu, Party Secretary of the Business School of CUPL, said that the two institutions have similar discipline structure and similar faculty size, and proposed to interact more with our school to learn from our experience and enhance exchanges. Professor Liu Zhixiong, Associate Dean, introduced their talent assessment system and MBA enrollment. Professor Hu Jiye, chairman of the Academic Committee, exchanged views on talent recruitment and introduction. Associate Dean Xiong Jinwu, Associate Secretary He Xin, professor Wu Yunxian and others engaged in discussion on the discipline construction, academic conference, academic guidance, student employment and other issues.



Through this investigation and exchange, the two sides have reached consensus in many aspects and hope to further strengthen cooperation and jointly promote common development in the future.


Provided by School Office