2021 Campus Open Day:The Live Broadcast Recruitment Publicity of BNUBS Secured a Huge Success
Time :2021-06-13

In order to better help examinees, parents and authorities from all walks of life to accurately, conveniently and timely understand the school's enrollment policy and disciplinary characteristics and attract more excellent examinees to register for our school, the Admission Office of BNU, together with 31 schools, held a live broadcast of the campus Open Day on June 13. With the great attention and strong support from the school leaders, our school conducted a live enrollment promotion on Tik Tok, Bilibili and Kuaishou in the afternoon of June 13th and achieved a huge success. Professor Qi Yudong, Zhang Dianping, Zhou Jianghua, Chen Su, Zou Rui and Yang Haijia participated in this publicity activity.


Dean Qi Yudong, as the representative of the school, introduced the background, professional construction, staff and comprehensive strength of BNUBS in detail. Teacher Chen Su mainly introduced the undergraduate talent training of the school, and gave detailed answers to the hot questions about the what would students do after graduation of the students and their parents, which enabled the students and their parents to have a deeper understanding of the undergraduate training of BNUBS. Professor Zhou jianghua mainly introduced the programs of the academic master, professional master and doctoral programs of the school.After the lecture, students and their parents responded enthusiastically to the lecture.


Picture 1  The Scene


BNUBS takes "Broadening the foundation, Strengthening integration, Respecting individuality and Pursuing Excellence" as its talent training philosophy, and highlights "digital +" and "Internationalization +". It is committed to cultivating compound economic management talents, and has formed a complete talent training system from bachelor, master to doctor. The school offers six undergraduate programs covering economics and business administration, among which Economics, Finance, International Economics and Trade, as well as Accounting are the national first-class undergraduate programs, Business Administration is a first-class undergraduate program in Beijing, Economics has been selected as the 2.0 base of national Training Program for Top Students in Basic Disciplines and Theoretical Economics is a A discipline in the fourth round of discipline assessment by the Ministry of Education.


The school enjoys rich quality resource platforms, strong discipline strength and effective talent training measures. Come here and you will never regret!



Provided by Office of Undergraduate Affairs