The Trade Union of BNUBS Held Flower Arrangement Activities
Time :2021-04-25

On the afternoon of April 25th, the Trade Union of BNUBS held flower arrangement activities in Room 9406 of JINGSHI HOTEL. More than 20 teachers including Ge Yuliang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the college attended the meeting. The activity was presided over by Han Lili, a member of the Trade Union


This activity is carefully planned by the Trade Union. we invited the Chinese flower arrangement art museum florist teacher Guan Yanren to teach on site. From flower cutting to placement, from color matching to flower and leaf decoration, the staff meticulously decorated their works under the guidance of the florist teacher, and the atmosphere was warm.



In this flower arrangement experience, teachers felt the charm of art and the joy of doing things. They enjoyed a moment of peace and quiet in the fragrance of flowers. They not only learned the skills, but also cultivated their body and mind, improved their aesthetic appreciation, and gained satisfactory works.



After sharing and taking photos, the flower arrangement experience came to a successful end.



Provided by: Trade Union