General Meeting of BNUBS in the New Semester of 2021 Was Successfully Held
Time :2021-03-10

On the afternoon of March 10th, the general meeting of BNUBS in the new semester of 2021 was successfully held in Conference Room 9406, JINGSHI HOTEL. Dean Qi Yudong presided over the meeting.


Firstly, President Qi Yudong introduced the changing of personnel in the college in the past year. On behalf of the college, he expressed highest respect and heartfelt thanks to the three retired teachers, Li Chong, Bai Baoli and Zhang Yue. He also gave a warm welcome to the three new teachers, Wen Qiao, Wang Yan and Kong Haiyang. Then, the college leaders successively carried on their individual work report.


Associate Dean Cai Hongbo made a report on the discipline construction, scientific research, internationalization, Zhuhai campus and postdoctoral work of the college. In terms of discipline construction, we have actively deployed and completed the fifth round of discipline evaluation, optimized the budget planning and management of discipline construction funds, and successfully completed the summary of the 13th Five-Year Plan and the draft of the 14th Five-Year Plan. In terms of scientific research, our teachers have made remarkable achievements in national and provincial projects and international cooperation projects. Awards obtained in the national level, from the Ministry of Education and in the Beijing Municipal level have reached a new high. Papers published in top international journals continued to make new records. We have hosted six high-level academic conferences and held more than 100 lectures for masters of economics and management in Beijing. In terms of international exchange and cooperation, we have developed an online management platform for overseas students, cooperated with overseas universities for online courses and online lecture series, and won the approval of the university's international economic organization cooperation construction platform. In the international competitiveness monitoring index and analysis report of each department released by Beijing Normal University in 2020, BNUBS was taking the lead in the internationalization level. When it comes to Zhuhai Campus, we have promoted the construction of three professional master's degree programs, completed the assessment of international business master's level, and at the same time cooperated with the teaching and professional construction of Economics, Finance and Social Science Experimental Classes and the second degree of Accounting. In terms of postdoctoral work, the standards for the entry and exit of postdocs have been revised to further standardize and improve the training level of postdocs.


Associate Dean Cai made a working report


Ge Yuliang, Associate Secretary, introduced the work on students and alumni. In terms of student work, we would continue to cultivate and build the management brand by inheriting brand activities, innovating characteristic activities, optimizing publicity platform and creating image logo. Through Party and Youth League building, cultural and sports activities, and social practice, we would strengthen ideological guidance and the sense of responsibility. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have organized "four advances and four confidence", anti-epidemic column publicity, and volunteer teaching and post-epidemic care activities. With the joint efforts of all the teachers and students, we have achieved excellent results in all kinds of competitions in the school. In the future, we would continue to carry out our work with the attitude of scientific management, humanized activities, normalized system and humanized service. In terms of alumni work, we entertained two classes of alumni to return to school, held three alumni forums, interviewed four alumni, organized two alumni symposiums, and conducted two visits to enterprises. By doing these, we aimed to strengthen alumni exchanges, promote the spirit of BNUBS, and promote alumni development. In 2021, we would continue to hold the series of activities and lectures to make higher quality work.


Associate Secretary Ge Yuliang made a working report


Zhang Pingdan, Associate Dean made a summary and plan of the talent training work. In the past year, the focus of undergraduate work was to further improve the specialty characteristics, the focus of academic graduate work was to further improve the quality of training, and the focus of professional degree work was to further enhance the brand influence. In terms of undergraduate work, the college has applied for and passed the major of Fintech. The college has been awarded the title of "Excellent Enrollment Unit" and held a seminar on the construction of high-quality student base. In 2021, we would focus on the implementation of economics 2.0 and the enrollment of four undergraduate majors, as well as the promotion of fintech majors. In terms of academic graduate work, in 2020, due to the epidemic, the enrollment will be mainly based on online remote retest, and further improvement has been made in the highly transparent training information. we have introduced a program for cultivating doctoral students in business administration and a method for subsidizing graduate students for publishing high-level academic papers. The first plan for 2021 is to make a good conclusion of the university education discussion in 2020. The second plan is to cooperate with the graduate education reform to implement the supervisor responsibility system and extensively participate in key academic conferences. Thirdly, students are about to return to school and we would prepare for the student meeting and the subsequent examination.


Associate Dean Zhang Pingdan made a working report


Vice President Cui Xuegang reported on MBA education, international certification, internal control and other work. In terms of MBA education, the 2020 recruitment and brand work has achieved remarkable results and has been recognized by many parties. Course teaching, lectures and seminars, degree management, student management and career development were all carried out in an orderly manner. The employment of external tutors has greatly improved the students' satisfaction. In 2021, we plan to recruit 400 students, complete 10 batches of online remote early interview, implement the positioning of "four centers", and continue to improve the quality of education and enhance brand influence. In terms of international certification, we have completed the 2020 Equis Progress Report, and successfully passed the EFMD assessment in all three areas to be improved for the first time. Taking MBA education as the pilot, we began to explore the formulation of AOL, and completed the "preparatory work" of AACSB on time. In terms of internal control, we integrated the internal control framework of the school, carried out internal control self-examination in advance and  self-examination and rectification.


Associate Dean Cui Xuegang made a working report


Secretary Sun Zhijun summarized and deployed the work of the College Party Committee. In 2020, the Party committee adhered to the combination of learning and application, carrried the leadership of the Party through the whole process of the operation, teaching and educating so as to promote the ideological and political construction of the curriculum, and pay great attention to the work of "Three Integrity Education". We have implemented the epidemic prevention and control work, combined Party building with the work of the Center, and promoted the reform and development of various undertakings of the College. We have taken the key tasks of the annual primary-level Party building work as the core, promoted the standardized construction of primary-level Party branches, and implemented the work of Party management personnel. We have upheld the Party's leadership over ideological work and deepened our primary responsibility for comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline. We have taken the inspection of School Party Committee as an opportunity to develop and implement the inspection and rectification plan, and effectively solved the related problems. Under the general requirements of epidemic prevention and control, we have timely carried out the work of trade unions and retirees. According to the financial standard management system, we have completed the financial budget and expenditure management work. Then, Secretary Sun Zhijun reported the financial income and expenditure of the college in 2020. Finally, Secretary Sun summarized the work of the past year from the aspects of personal performance of duties, achievements and challenges of the college, and emphasized that we should focus on important events such as learning and education activities of the Party history, series of celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, 14th Five-Year Plan, and normalization of epidemic prevention and control to continue to do a good job in the routine work, reform and innovation of grass-roots party building, ideological and political education, teacher ethics, ideology and party conduct, clean government, personnel training mechanism construction, personnel training and introduction of Party management personnel work, finance, labor unions and retirees, inspection and rectification work, etc.


Party Secretary Sun Zhijun made a working report


Dean Qi Yudong made a summary on the implementation of epidemic prevention and control, discipline construction, talent training, scientific research achievements, faculty construction, international transformation and other aspects in 2020, and deployed the main tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and key work of the college in 2021. In the face of the epidemic, all the faculty members of the college worked together to overcome the difficulties and made steady progress in various undertakings. They managed to fight against the epidemic and promote the development at the same time, not only successfully completed the work plan of the college in 2020, but also successfully concluded the "13th Five-Year Plan" of the college. In 2020, the discipline construction of the college has achieved remarkable results, with QS discipline ranking and soft discipline ranking rising steadily. The whole school has made concerted efforts to successfully complete the task of filling in the form of the three first-level disciplines in the fifth round discipline evaluation. The quality of talent cultivation has been further improved. A total of 4 undergraduate programs have been selected into the list of state-level first-class undergraduate program construction sites. The enrollment of Master of International Business has been resumed, and undergraduate programs of Finttech, Master of Finance and Master of Accounting have been approved. Outstanding achievements have been made in scientific research. The number of national projects has reached a record high, and the number of papers published in top journals at home and abroad has been increasing continuously. Two achievements have been selected into the National Library of Philosophy and Social Science Achievements, and nine achievements have won the Excellent Achievements Award of the Ministry of Education and Beijing. The construction of high-level teaching staff has been accelerated. Faculty members of the college have won many national and provincial titles. Internationalization is transforming from scale to quality. Then, Dean Qi Yudong made a personal report on political study, teaching and scientific research, administrative management, party conduct and clean government. Finally, Dean Qi proposed that the whole college should make concerted efforts to make a good start for the realization of the goal of "14th Five-Year Plan" with high-level talent training and discipline construction as the leading role, high-level teaching and scientific research as the two wings, high-quality teachers and efficient party and government management as the guarantee. We hope to pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the 120th anniversary of the founding of the school with more outstanding results!


Dean Qi Yudong made a working report


After the report, all the faculty and staff evaluated the leading members of the college through the online democratic evaluation system, and the conference of the college in the new semester of 2021 was successfully concluded!


The scene


Provided by School Office