The Interim Meeting of 2020 BNUBS Great Discussion Forum on Education and Teaching Held Successfully
Time :2020-08-27


On August 25, 2020, BNUBS held an online interim meeting for the Great Discussion on Education and Teaching. Xia Min, deputy director of the Training Office of the Provost’s Office and Academic Affairs (Graduate School), attended the meeting, as well as more than 30 teachers of BNUBS.


Jiang Jie, director of Fintech Program, introduced the investigation and research on the discipline construction of finance and fintech of four high-level universities in China, and reported the research results in detail from five aspects: discipline construction, curriculum, faculty, research platform and safeguards.­ Xu Minbo, deputy director of the Department of Economics, introduced in detail the influence of big data and IT technology on the cultivation of economic and financial talents, combined with the construction of economics (data science) major in Zhuhai Campus, and also introduced the construction of economics major of " Double-Ten-Thousand Plan". Associate dean Zhang Pindan, reported the overall work and progress of the Great Discussion Forum on Education and Teaching, explained the new situation of talent cultivation of BNUBS, and pointed the main challenges facing BNUBS brought by the major intention of the gaokao graduates, the features of undergraduate talents cultivation, academic potential and quality of academic graduate talent cultivation, and brand of social influence of MBA talent training, and put forward the preliminary solutions.


All the teachers had an in-depth discussion. Xia Min, deputy director of the Training Office of the Provost’s Office and Academic Affairs (Graduate School), shared her experience and put forward some specific guidance. Party secretary Sun Zhijun summarized the meeting.


By Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office