Faculty of the Department of Accounting Published Papers in Top International Journals in Accounting Field
Time :2020-09-03


Recently, the paper entitled " GDP Growth Incentives and Earnings Management: Evidence from China " by Professor Hao Ying, Department of Accounting of our School, was published in the Review of Accounting Studies (RAS), one of the six leading international journals in the field of Accounting. The journal is one of the 50 journals referenced by the Financial Times for global business school rankings, as well as a ABS 4-star journal, with a strong academic impact in Accounting and Finance.


Details of the paper are as following:

Chen, X., Cheng, Q., Hao Ying (corresponding author), and Liu, Q. (2020). GDP Growth Incentives and Earnings Management: Evidence from China. Review of Accounting Studies. Available online:



At the same time, Professor Cui Xuegang, Associate Professor Zhang Huili and Associate Professor Yang Dan of the Department of Accounting have published their papers as the first authors respectively in internationally renowned high-level journals in the field of Accounting and Finance.


Details of these papers are as following:

Cui Xuegang, Li, P., Al-Syed, M., and Zhou, S. S. (2019). China’s Healthcare Costing in Times of Crisis: Conflicts, Interactions, and Hidden Agendas . Abacus (SSCI, ABS 3-star). https://doi.org/10.1111/abac.12169.

Zhang Huili,Zhu, J., He, J., and Chan, K. C. (2020). Two Tales of Earnings Management with Short Sales Deregulation . Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (SSCI, ABS 3-star), 39(4), 106743. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2020.106743.

Yang Dan, Cheng, L., Wang, G., Wang, Y., and Zhang, L. (2020). Investor Protection and Cost of Debt: Evidence from Dividend Commitment in Firm Bylaws. Corporate Governance: An International Review (SSCI, ABS 3-star), 28(5).



In addition, teachers and students of Accounting Department have published nearly 20 papers in other SSCI journals in recent three years. Those research results demonstrated the achievements of internationalization and the construction of accounting discipline in our institute, as well as further consolidated and enhanced the academic status and social influence of accounting discipline of our institute.


(Provided by the Department of Accounting)