Former Director of WTO Guested on the First Lecture of International Economic and Trade Governance Lecture Series of BNUBS
Time :2020-07-01

At 3 p.m. 1st of July, Beijing time, the first lecture of the International Economic and Trade Governance Lecture Series, co-organized by BNUBS and LEDECO Geneva, went smoothly through ZOOM. This lecture invited Professor Clemens Boonekamp, former director of Agriculture and Commodities Division, World Trade Organization (WTO) and former senior economist of IMF, to deliver a report on " Advantages of the WTO and the MTS ". Dr. Lu Xiankun, the executive director of the LEDECO Geneva and former counselor of permanent representative of China to WTO moderated the lecture.


Professor Clemens Boonekamp introduced the principles and advantages of WTO system in a simple way and shared his brilliant views on market access, negotiation strategies and policies of member states. He pointed out that WTO provides an efficient and free platform for all countries to cooperate by using the legal language to maintain the fairness of trade, balances the rights and obligations of member states, and provides all countries with an equal and mutually beneficial negotiating tool. At the same time, with the constantly changing situation, WTO is also in constant reform and innovation.


Then students had a lively discussion with Professor Clemens Boonekamp about their concerns. A total of 187 students including undergraduate students, master’s graduate students, doctoral students and MBA students have participated in this lecture. The Lecture Series also have been enthusiastically signed up. Up to now, more than 200 students have registered online.


To train high-level talents in international organizations with international vision and innovative ideas, and to play an active role in global governance and dialogue and mutual learning between different civilizations, BNUBS and LEDECO Geneva actively organize the International Economic and Trade Governance Online Lecture Series, to provide opportunities for our students to learn and exchange on the forefront theory and experience of international economic and trade governance, and to provide reference for their further study and future career planning and development.


Lecture A: WTO Reform and China’s Role

Speaker: Mr. Alejandro Jara, former deputy director-general of WTO and former permanent representative of Chile to WTO

Lecture B: Multilateralism and Regionalism

Speaker: Mr. Patrick Low, former chief economist of WTO

Lecture C: Advantages of the WTO and the MTS

Speaker: Mr. Clemens Boonekamp, former director of Agriculture and Division, WTO and former senior economist of IMF

Lecture D: COVID-19-related Trade Measures

Speaker:  Dr. Jan Bohanes, senior consultant of Advisory Center on WTO Law, former legal officer of WTO

Lecture E: Reshaping the Institutional Architecture of Globalization

Speaker: Mr. Hector R Torres, former executive director of IMF, former Legal Counsellor of the Secretariat of WTO Appellate Body

Lecture F: Global Trade Cooperation after COVID-19

Speaker: Professor Peter Draper, executive director of Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide, Australia 

Lecture G:Trade Law and Data-driven Economy

Speaker: Professor Gregory Shaffer, professor of University of California, Irvine, America

(By Office of International Exchange and Cooperation)