Stay Together and Stay Strong—LUISS University Send a Free Invitation to BNUBS for Summer University Programs
Time :2020-07-06

After the signing of the agreement between BNUBS and LUISS University in Italy as friendly cooperative institutions in 2018, the two sides have had close cooperation in Summer University Programs and the Capital Business Forum. Currently, due to the global prevalence of COVID-19, offline exchange programs between the two sides have been suspended. To show support and concern for China's fight against the epidemic, LUISS University is offering free one-week online summer courses to students of BNUBS.


This online summer course revolves around the opportunities and challenges faced by the relationship between China and Italy, and between China and Europe in the context of "One Belt And One Road", and focuses on the fields including trade, industry and environment, aiming to provide students with an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural comprehensive international horizon and different perspectives. 



LUISS University, with three campuses located in the center of Rome, the capital of Italy, is a private university founded in 1966 and enjoys a high reputation in Italy. Its Business School is the leading private business school affiliation with Confindustria, and has a large and powerful alumni presence in Italy and Europe. Now we has signed a 3+1+1 Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree program with LUISS University which plans to start in the fall of 2020.


(By: Office of International Exchange and Cooperation)