The Fourth (2020) Young Scholars Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship was Successfully Held
Time :2020-06-27

On the afternoon of June 27, 2020, the Fourth Young Scholars Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship—Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era was successfully held online. The forum was hosted by Business School of Beijing Normal University and the South China Journal of Economics. It was organized by the Department of Strategic Management and Research Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and Sustainable Competitiveness, and co-organized by Huazhang Branch of China Machinery Industry Press.


The opening ceremony was hosted by Professor Cui Xuegang, associate dean of BNUBS. Professor Qi Yudong, the dean of BNUBS, and Researcher Wan Lu, the deputy managing editor of South China Journal of Economics extended their warmest welcome to all the guests on behalf of the conference organizers, and expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all the guests for the support and help for this Forum!


Then, guest speakers from Jilin University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Qilu Industrial University, Zhejiang University, Xi 'an Jiaotong University and Jinan University made a detailed introduction to their papers respectively. The co-editors of the Forum including Professor Yang Xueru from South China Agricultural University, Professor Dong Baobao from School of Management, Jilin University, Professor Guo Hai from Business School, Renmin University of China, Professor Liang Qiang from Business School Shantou University, Professor Su Zhongfeng from School of Management, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Professor Yang Jun from School of Management, Zhejiang University, and Professor Yu Xiaoyu from School of Management, Shanghai University gave wonderful comments on the papers and put forward relevant modification proposals. At last, as the coordinating editors of the Forum Professor, Yang Xueru and Professor Jiao Hao concluded the meeting. The success of the Forum will further facilitate BNUBS to carry out scientific research in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital era and the cultivation of talents in the field of digital enterprise management.



(By: Department of Strategic Management)